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-Tori's pov-
I screamed and kicked as they dragged me back down the hall. Lightning flickered from my hands as anger and fear flurried inside me like an oncoming storm.
"YOU CANT DO THIS!!! I AM A HILIAN CITIZEN ROGE OR NOT!!! DO YOU HEAR ME ZELDA!!! A CITIZEN!!!!" Finally, the dark stair way came into my view as I regretted every second. The pushed me down the status once more, as I glanced back up. I caught one last glimpse of the beautiful evening sun before the darkness of the dungeon stole it. They tugged me into my cold cell, they put the chain around my neck, I didn't dare move of fear of death. They hocked it and chained my arms to the wall as well. I heard them snickered as I looked down helplessly chained there in my knees.
" Helpless now demon. " I heard one mumbled as the other chuckled.
I was to depressed to fight back or move. Finally, they grabbed the big iron keys and closed the door, it made a deep screeching sound as it scraped against the metal floor.
"Sigh....well this life has gone to shit.." I grumbled as I sat chained to this stupid wall in silence. It seemed like forever in that cell... Finally the fatness seamed to whisper in my ear, pulling my eyelids down and not letting me open them. My mind drifted off, the sounds of the other prisoners rattled in my ears. My memories flooded back, I could see my past.. My mom...the last kiss she ever gave father...holding his lidless body in my arms as my world burned down around fate sealed in a task for nothing but freedom... A failure to the prosper. Even though my eyes were closed I could feel them stinging with tears. Finally my memories faded off, and replaced with something new...rattling of what sounded like the key hole? I finally had control over my vision as my eyes fluttered open. I squinted as the door that shook a little. I could faintly see something in the locks if on cue the door swung open, letting light in blinding once more.
I winced at the light, my vision blurry and hazed. I could see someone standing there but all I could see was there black figure.
"Hello Tori. " He said.

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