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I laid his lifeless body down in the rubble and sat there besides it still in tears....
" How am I going to go on now...I-I have NOONE... "
I clenched my fisted and hugged my heart.
Love hurts so much...I swear to you father that I will never love least not as much as you.
I wiped my tears and stood up. I kissed his burned face as I slowly walked away. On the trail I took, I walked past the tall grass , and the dark night sky. I could still see the smoke and dim light of flames in the distance. As I walked I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched...not like it was the first time. I turned around and glared at my surrounding from under my cloak. Then, I saw something dash into a nearby bush. I stared at it coldly and steadily made my way over to it, I took out my knife and hovered over it, ready to sling on whoever was In was....

BBBWWAAAAHHHAAHHHAAA!!! A cliff hanger!!!! I got cha!! Don't worry I'll update in a few minutes. I know I hate these types of cliff hangers too so I won't let you want long. Peace out! And prepare for THE HERO OF TIME !

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