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-Tori's pov-
I awoke to the sound of slight breathing...
I managed to turn on my side to see a really beat up link. I stated in shock at all the damage done on him. I felt like I wanted to burst out in tears...but...did he do that for me? His breathing was slow, and I saw blood everywhere, probably from the both of us. I painfully sat up and clutched my arm...oh. It's fixed. I smiled. I looked at him then at my arm.
"Thanks..." I said getting up and getting out the aid kit. After moments of fixing up his minor wounds I went for his abdominal area.
"This Is gonna be awkward." I lifted his shirt up and over his head, not like he needs it! My gosh link that eight pack! I snapped myself out of my stare. I touched his wounded and figured it would definitely scar, so I got to work. Water, disinfect, dressing. I sat him up and wrapped his wound with bandages trying not to drool the whole time...I-I think I may like him. I turned pink at the thought. No I can't, he's a hero, I'm a thief, besides if I let him in he might turn me in! But...he just saved my life, sacrificing his for mine..I smiled a little more. I sat back down next to him and waited for him to awaken.

-links pov-
Pain coursed through my body with every single movement I made...wait I was moving? Who was moving me? Was I dead? No, pain wouldn't be here if I was...but I can't see though...AM I BLIND?!?! Noooo!!! Finally I couldn't take it anymore, I forced myself to wake up. My eyes shot open as I tried to
Move but it hurt to much.
"Eeeehhhhh..." I groaned. I heard a slight giggle to my right as I strained my neck to look at who it was.
"Oh, hey you~" I said a smile crawling in my face.
She smiled wider and then...then she hugged me. I felt myself heat up at the touch as she squeezed me...or that was my rib cage breaking.
" I thought you were going to die! Don't ever do that again to me! " She said lightly punching my arm.
"Oowwwww" i wined
" Such a baby." She said laughing
"Well your stuck with this baby. " I smirked
" Well that sucks. "
"Rude!" I lightly pushed her. " I'm so offended!"
she paused. Oh geez did I push her to hard? Dang it!
"Hey, you ok? Did I push you to hard? " I asked concerned
"Tori." She said looking at me
"My name..its Tori."
Oh my gosh. Tori. She gave me her name. This day just got better. I smiled a little
" That's a beautiful name me'lady."
"Ya, well you've earned the right to know. congratulations hero of time. " She said
"Told Ya I'd do it"

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