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Time skip - two years later -
-links pov-
I was sitting in a windy field , the breeze whipping past my hair as the warm summer sun beats down on my face. I looked around in a daze until my gaze meats upon my beloved...
She smiled softly at me her light brown hair glowing with youth and happiness radiated from her being. She waved and I got up and rushed over to her. I was standing in front of her and she touched my cheek lovingly...
"Hello hero." She spoke sweetly.
"Hello thief..." Tears stung my eyes and reached out to embrace her. I wrapped my arms around her...but when I looked down she was gone, a pilar of black smoke was in her place as it began to disperse into the air making me cough and gag. In seamed to eat all the air and the beautiful sunny day was replaced with that smoke as it ate the light. I shut my eyes tightly as I through my hand over my mouth and grabbed the handle of my sword.
I took it out and waved it aimlessly, this smoke was blocking my vision and making me dizzy. I stared at my dark world... The one that never left me...
"Tori!! " I called trying to see
"Tori where are you!!" Then the smoke began to disintegrate into thick ash colored sand. It sprinkled around me and then rustic black walls rose up around me. Finally with my vision clear I took in my bearings of what seamed to be a castle. Vines grew in the inside and curled around the bricks of the walls and stone floor. I shakily looked around and took and step forward. I stepped on a brick and that smoke appeared next to me again. As it disappeared , a torch took its place. I looked at it wearily as i grasped is metal holder, the flame brining my eyes as I held it in front of my pale face. I began to walk into the corridor halls. With every step it seamed to get darker and longer....what felt like an eternity later I heard an wary quiver of a voice.
" Come get her..." It's tone trailing off.
"What...? " Then I heard it. A scream... Her scream!
" AAAAAHHHHHHH!! No please!!! No!! " She screamed her voice sounded far in the halls, as it bounced and echoed off the walls.
"TORI!!!!" I said running forgetting about the danger. I came to a small room, it looked like a cell. I frantically looked around and pushed on bricks to see if anything would open. Nothing.
"TORI!! TORI WHERE ARE YOU !!!PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!!" I said dropping the torch and my sword as I clutched my head with fear. The torch hit the ground and its fire was engulfed in that same smoke again , leaving me in a dark cell.
"Aarrhggggg where is she!!! Tell me coward!!!" I screamed as I punched the floor. The steel floor made a clicking sound and then dust flew. I stepped back as the ground below my feet began to shake and fall. My eyes widened as I grabbed my sword and ran out. I stared back at what was left of the room and inside as the dust settled I saw a staircase leading into the ground. I walked cautiously over and looked down. The spiraling staircase went deep into the castle I could see a faint glow of light at the bottom... I quickly ran down the staircase, no matter what was to come I knew I had to find her... I love her... I have to get her out of here. Reaching the bottom it seamed like I was underground , roots and plants were dangling from the ceiling as I walked on the dusty floor. Looking around I noticed bones... Bones of elves littered the floor. But i noticed that they were in a pattern, they seamed to lead In a trail like fashion. I heard that rustle of a voice again.
"Come get her.... " It seamed to mock me.
" I growled deep in my throat as anger bubbled inside me, I followed the trail of bones till I came to another room. I looked up saw bars of silver that were holding cell bars. I looked past them and what I saw made my heart stop.
There sitting in the middle of the cell was Tori....
She was chained to the floor, cuffs on her arms and legs held her down in that sitting position, marks and cuts lined her body , blood dripped from her mouth as I stared in absolute horror. She wasn't dressed in her normal attire but in dirty rags that only covered her breasts and lower areas. A bloody white rag covered her eyes, I could see her chest rise slowly and at a weird pace, she was dying...
I snapped about if my slick as I ran over and rammed the bars.
"TORI!!! " I screamed as I tried to get in. I saw her ear twitch in response.
"" She seamed to question.
"YEAH ITS ME , HOLD ON JUST HAND IN THERE, I'LL GET YOU OUT! " I said slashing at the bars with my sword.
"Come get her..." Then I saw it. A tall man in a dark hooded cape appeared next to my dying love. He made a heather with his finder and she began to gasp.
"L-link! " She gasped as she struggled.
"Tori!! " I yelled Then u glared at that demon.
"YOU STOP IT COWARD!!STOP NOW!!! I said slashing at the bars again.
He laughed slowly and creepily as he made a fist. Tori screamed in Agony as she twisted
Against her restraints, blood dropped more from her mouth.
" Come get her...."
"Let her go!!!"
" To late..."
He flicked his hand and I watched as she went limp and she dangled lifelessly on her chains.
"NNNOOOO!!! " I sat forward on my bed. My eyes shot open as I panted hard.
My wide eyes quickly scanned the room that I was in. I was back at the castle in my bed. A cold sweat ran down my forehead as I realized it was just that nightmare again... That same nightmare that happens ever single night since I betrayed Tori.... The smoke...the pain....everything I relived each night in what was supposed to be my only rest... My escape from my pain...but only more was brought.
" T-Tori...." I said panting still as tears lined my bright blue eyes. My blond bangs dangled and stuck to my face from the sweat.
"What have I done...." I whispered as I put my face in my hands.
" I'm so sorry....I'm so sorry Tori...." I said through tears.

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