Story Time

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Third Person POV:

The night grew cold as Simba, Kyle, and their crew approached Jabari's home. The guards and army were marching every street in the town in search of Kyle, by King Ben's orders.

They waited until the coast was clear for them to get into Jabari's.

"Are you sure, this place is safe?" Pumbaa asked Kyle nervously.

"Of course, this place is where I stayed my first couple of nights." Kyle replied.

Kyle moved a flower pot, which had a key under it, and put in the doorknob. He slowly creaked open the door, hoping that Jabari was at his normal spot, the dinner table. He was thankfully.

"Oh my.. Kyle! You should not be here!" Jabari spat out his food, rushing to the door.

"Nice to see you too Jabari." Kyle said, embracing Jabari with a hug.

"Why are you here?! And why are there so many ani... jeez it's a lion!"

"It's okay. It's my father, Simba. And those two are Timon and Pumbaa. On the left are Charlie and Archie."

"We need to camp here for the night." Archie told Jabari. Jabari jumped in shock.

"Did that Wolf just..."

"Talk. Boys we got another one." Charlie joked.

"We just need to be away from all the chaos outside. Why is there all that chaos anyway?" Simba asked.

"Kyle. They're looking for him. King Ben wants you exiled to the Isle of the Lost. Once you escaped, the entire country is on lockdown. No one in. No one out." Jabari explained.

"The king wants you exiled. What in a lion's mane did you do to get exiled?" Timon jokingly asked.

"Why don't we sit down a little." Kyle suggested.

"Sit down when there are guards looking for your every move?!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Did they search you house yet?" Kyle then asked.

"Yeah, they did. You're lucky on that." Jabari sighed in relief.

"Good. Now, get some raw meat out the freezer for Archie and Simba, and almonds for Archie, while I find grub for Timon and Pumbaa." Kyle demanded.

"Way ahead of you." Timon replied, pulling up grub from under the floor.

"There goes my floor."

The group of animals and humans huddled up in a circle. All settled in on a 'story time' on the night they were most wanted.

"So. Where do we start?" Pumbaa asked everyone. They all looked around, and all eyes landed on Kyle.

"Dad, Timon, Pumbaa. Why did you come to Auradon?" he asked.

"To get you."Pumba blunted out.

"You told us that you would be home by the full moon, but you weren't, so we traveled north." Simba explained.

"When we got here to that big wall of rocks, we saw some humans. They pointed something at us and shot a needle at us. Next thing we know, we're in a confined area." Timon added to Simba's explanation.

"Cage." Charlie corrected Timon. "The confined area was a cage."

"Yeah yeah, sooo, did you find her?" Timon asked, getting everyone's attention.

"Find who?" Kyle asked.

"Your mate silly."

"That's a long story."

"We got all night. Tell them." Archie insisted.

"Oh,  I'm gonna need a full plate of grub."



"Well, there's this girl. Her name his Evie." Kyle started.

"Evie! Daughter of the Evil Queen Evie?!" Jabari jumped in shock.

"Evil Queen! Well that doesn't sound good." Pumbaa responded.

"You like the daughter of an evil queen?!" Simba growled in anger.

"She's not evil. Okay. She's the opposite of her mother." Kyle explained.

"She is a sweet punchkin just to clarify." Charlie added.

"I met her my first day at Auradon Prep."


"It's a school. A school is like where humans go to learn different skills that will help them and each one of us in life."

"Ah. That's not a bad idea, huh Pumbaa."

"It can be a prison sometimes."


"She and her friends, Mal, Carlos, and Jay were my only friends there. Everyone else despised me, especially King Ben."

"Whoa whoa time out."


"A King is still in this school? Shouldn't he be out their leading his kingdom, and not being there getting jealous of you?"

"Ask him yourself. And as I was saying, so overtime, times got rough, and we grew closer. I told her I liked her, but that's when the struggles became real. I was framed, for destroying other peoples things, and was close to banishment."

"Tell them about the next day." Archie grunted under his breath.

"What happened the next day?" Simba jumped up and asked.

All of a sudden, there was loud knocking on the door.

"Oh sh..."

"Everyone hide." Jabari whispered.

"What! Where?" Kyle asked quietly.

"Anywhere." Jabari replied.

Timon quickly hopped into Jabari's coat. Simba hid an cracked open closet, while Pumbaa, Archie, Charlie, and Kyle hid in the bathroom.

Jabari slowly approached the door. He slightly opened the door, fearing it was the government knocking. Luckily it wasn't a bunch of people, but two girls in back coats.

"Mal, Evie!"

"Sh!! Can we come in?"

"Sure. Quickly."

The girls ran in as Jabari quickly bolted back the door.

"We need your help." Mal said.

"It's Kyle. He escaped the docks from ship...." Evie started, but Jabari cut her off.

"Mal, Evie. Way ahead of you. Take a seat."

"This is not a..."

"Come on out guys, we're good here."

Everyone slowing peeked out of there hiding spots. Timon hopped out the coat, while Simba pounced from the closet. The bathroom door creaked open, revealing Archie and Pumbaa running out, Charlie flying out and the man of the hour, Kyle, creeping out.



The two ran towards each other and embraced with a hug.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Are they gonna?" Timon whispered, asking Charlie.

"I think they're gonna." Charlie replied.

"Evie, you didn't have to come out he...."

"Yes I did. I.... I love you." Evie softly said, putting her right hand under Kyle's face.

"I love you too." Kyle replied, moving closer to Evie, then kissing her.


A/N: Well, there you go ladies, and gentlemen.

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