Chapter 2

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There's a dark grimy restroom with graffiti all over the walls as a girl is seen perched over the toilet as she grabs a pregnancy test from its holder as she takes it ..

She is brought out her thoughts by someone asking her where a guitarist strap is...

She answers unfocused and looks back down before she is seen getting out a car in front of a run down looking apartment before she walks up in through the doors....

Time passes
A women with freshly dyed hair is seen perched over a table working or trying to start to work a tattoo gun but what she doesn't see is a person with also freshly dyed hair coming up behind her.

They jump up out at her to try and scare her which they succeed in doing

" Holy fuck Luke you scared me"

she says to him before kissing him lightly on the mouth

When she let's go she looks into his eyes and smiles before the moment is ruined by her daughter Bridget asking for her black shirt for some parade for tomorrow

Luke's pov :

As I look to see bridge asking about her shirt I could tell Ellie was annoyed so she tells her to check the laundry basket knowing how bridge is she leaves in a huff.

I look back to see Ellie looking for her scissors, knowing that her younger daughter Kassie might have them I turn to her and give her a little nod to hide them. which she does then responds to her mom very loudly.

" don't got them mom " she responds before going back and messing with her head of a doll tapping her to a stick..

I noticed bridge at the door talking to the younger boys that live next door from us asking her if she wanted to join them in watching a movie.. which she responds with a no and shuts the door in there faces..

before she turns around and is face to face with Kassie.

" your boyfriends are weirdos" Kassie says to bridge with a mop thingy on her head then out of no where I see bridge lunge at Kassie grabbing her staff them fighting back in forth before I go between picking up Kassie and holding her onto my lap as I see bridge run into Danny's room

I look back at Kassie noticing she's looking at her staff that was now broken in half by Bridget laying onto it from them tussling.

narrator's pov:

As Bridget shuts the door to Danny's room from behind her she sees Danny head bobbing to the music like he is performing.

" dammit bridge what are you doing in here " he says angry before he can get a response he hears Kassie trying to break in through the door

Seconds later they open the door dragging Kassie in throwing her into the bed before they start tickling her, her giggles lighting up the room

(bathroom view)

as the kids continue the ruff housing we are now seen in a bathroom where the guys head is perched into a tub as the women is rinsing his hair of the dye

" my darling watch the eyes" he whines as he try's to blink away the water that's rolling down his face, she only just laughs and tells him to quit being a baby

after everything is done with him they switch spots and he starts getting the dye out of her hair as he is doing that.

He starts to tell her that he might want another tattoo for his sleeve before she can reply the door bell rings.

" Can somebody get that please"

she yells which of course none of the kids respond so she gets up and wraps her her hair in a towel before making her way to the door.she turns around towards her lover and ask him if he can go get the kids while she answers the door which he only responds with a nod

when she makes her way to the door it rings again which she yells coming before opening the door and sees no one so she looks out in to the hall, before someone jumps from behind her and scares her to which she hits them in the noise and notices it is her sister.

" Beth you bitch " she says before hugging her sister then she looks and notices something wrong so she ask in full concern

" Hey have you been sleeping? you look like mom" she says

Beth nods and says " beats looking like a tampon" her sister laughs before bringing her inside while she heads to the bathroom to go finish her hair

" the kids are at the table ill be right back I got to go finish my hair" she says before making her leave

as Beth goes in the house she sees the kids sitting at the table, so she joins them before they start asking her questions.

" was Bangkok awesome" Danny asked his aunt in curiosity his hands on the table 

" insane, crazy fans over there" Beth says in return looking at him 

" did you drink snake blood" he replies in a monotone voice before he can say anymore his younger sister Bridget says 

" hey that's culturally insensitive" looking at her brother in annoyance 

" what about monkey brain barbeque " he says nodding to Bridget trying to make her mad which works to have her saying " oh yeah like that makes it so much better Dan" as the brother continue to bicker between each other Beth notices her younger niece Kassie messing with all doll so she says .

" whos your friend kass" looking at the young girl in wonder, Kassie looks at her aunt before replying 

" Shes called staffnie" 

" oh hey staffnie, what's her situation" Beth ask looking at it 

" Danny told me that when this building use to be a bank, a teller got caught stealing and hanged himself now he walks around well his ghost does, and you can her a jingle and he scares you to deaths'  he can take all your money " as the young girl was saying all this her aunt was nodding in approval of like this cant be real 

" its true " Danny pipes in before the little girl continues 

" if he tries to scare me,staffnie will scare him first" she says shoving the doll headed staff IN front of her 

" ghost aren't real" the aunt says 

" have you ever seen one " Kassie says pulling back a piece of hair behind her ear 

beth shakes her head 

" well then how do you know they don't exist " 

" because i only believe, what i can see " she replies before pulling out a chained bracelets  

" for me " the girl says before taking the bracelet

" its for badass rock chicks only " she answers before leaning back in her chair the little girl raises her arm to show her mom that walks into the room with her hair dried and a new shirt on with her step dad Luke behind her mother  

" look mom I'm a badass " she says in happiness enjoying the new jewelry , Beth looks at the guy in insurance because she doesn't know who he is before the sister responds   

" please don't indulge her into your groupie world" Ellie says to her sister with a box of supplies in her hand before she sits in a chair right between Danny and Kassie while Luke goes and stands behind Ellie hands on her shoulders 

" what's a groupie" Kassie ask in curiosity 

" moms favorite nickname for me even though she knew i was a guitar tech" Beth answers 

" if you say so " Ellie says forcing a smile as Luke rubs her shoulders knowing she's upset 

" hey be nice or you don't get a gift, speaking of gifts look what i got your dad " Beth says before pulling out a mug that says " lazy mans beer mug "

there is awkward silence between every one before Ellie tells Danny to take the car and go get pizza with his sisters which he says sure thing mom  and they make there leave 

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