I decide to go for an explanation that would make the most sense to him.

"I mean, I would have to hang out with Kiara sooner or later. If not for any other reason than for appearances. She's going to soon suspect that something is weird if I continue turning her down like I have been. She already thinks you are too controlling with me," I explain to him as patiently as I could.

"Well shit, problem solved. I might have to off your friend after all then," Shady responds casually, causing a chill to go down my spine. He reaches behind me and slaps my ass.

"You... you won't do that though," I state, trying to sound confident.

He cuts his eyes at me, looking at me evilly.

"And why won't I?"

"Because that would upset me," I say simply, causing him to chuckle.

"So? Fuck I give a shit about that for?"

"Aww, I think you do care," I coo and crawl on top of him, straddling him.

Apparently I had pushed it though.

Without a second thought, Shady snatches me by the waist, fingers digging roughly into my flesh and he flips us over, so that I'm laying on my back and he gets on top of me.

"Are you sure about that, bitch?" he hisses, grabbing my throat and applying just enough pressure to where I feel incredibly starved for air. My eyes widen and I'm reminded once again just how dangerous his mood swings could be.

I shake my head side to side with tears in my eyes, not sure of anything at all anymore, and he smirks, shifting his weight on top of me. He lifts himself off of me and sits on the bed, bringing me onto his lap while still holding my throat.

He stares at me for a few moments, the rage in his eyes slowly being replaced by lust. He pulls me into him and smashes his lips to mine. He lets go of my throat and places his hand underneath my jaw instead. He shoves his tongue in my mouth, he certainly doesn't have a problem with kissing anymore. I tilt my head to the side, giving him more access, while I wrap my arms around his neck, my fingernails rake across his back, just as both his hands make their way to my boobs and he knees them roughly, pinching my nipples. He's got only his boxers on, and I've only got panties on, and Shady's fingers are soon rubbing my pussy on the outside of them at first. Then he pushes my panties to the side and rubs my clit with his thumb.

"Who you belong to?" He asks me breaking from my mouth and kissing down my neck. And he actually sounds angry as fuck.

When I don't answer fast enough, he slaps me lightly across the face.

I slap him back.

He stares at me intensely and angrily before biting his lip and pulling my face to his again. He grabs my jaw and kisses me.

"Who you belong to?" He repeats again.

"You, Slim," I let out. I used to tell him that because it was what he wanted to hear. Now, I actually mean it.

Shady smacks my ass, indicating for me to lift my hips and when I do, he pushes my panties more to the side and makes me slide down the length of his already hard dick.

Welp, here goes round... whatever number this is.

Once we are done, it's like basking in this weird ass bliss where you know you shouldn't be enjoying something, but you are. My forever dilemma with Shady.

He pulls me back to his chest, grabbing my jaw and pressing his mouth to mine hard again.

I wonder if the reason he won't let me leave the house is because he thinks I would leave HIM for good, but I'll never do that. I mean, sure, I was before, but I don't want to run from him anymore.

I wish u could convince him of that and to trust me more, but my mind is drawing blanks.

"Can I ask you something? Why do you keep killing people?" I blurt out. A completely random question that would probably be a mood killer to a normal person.

Shady is a deranged psychopath though.

He smirks, regarding me through hooded lids.

"Cause that shit feels almost as good as fucking sometimes. It's the best high ever, baby," he deadpans.

"Jesus Christ. You really ARE sick," I mumble, looking away from him. I don't know what kind of an answer was I expecting from him, to be honest and why am I so shocked he would say something like this.

At that, Shady starts to straight up laugh at me.

"Robyn, you realize that at this point you are as sick as me, right? See, that's why I like you so much, girl. You act all innocent and shit, but I see the freakish little side of you. Let me tell you something," he grabs my jaw. "Deep down. You are just as fucked as me."

"No, I'm not," I protest.

He cuts me off by kissing me.

He pulls me under him again and locks my arms over my head.

"Ya know, maybe it's about control," he suggests. "Having the power to end somebody's life just like that," he kisses down my neck again, and my eyes widen. I know he isn't about to try and get it on with me again while talking about how good it feels to kill. "Imagine if you could snuff out another human being just like that, Robyn. Won't it feel good?" He whispers in my ear.

"Hell no!!" I immediately reply back. I might no longer care that he does it, but I had never entertained such disgusting thoughts myself. "I'm nothing like that, Shady!!"

"Sure you ain't, baby," he says sarcastically. "You know what? Imma let you out of this house," He suggests. "If you agree to try it with me one day."

"Try what?!" I ask him incredulously.

"To kill somebody."

3am (Eminem / Slim Shady Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now