Chapter 29

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This chapter is longer than the others being 2700 words, so, enjoy!

" God, how do i even start this?" Izuku rub the back of his head.  He was kind of stressing out. And how could he not, that was like what? Half a year worth of explanation.

And Katsuki being a complete dick through them didn't make the greenette's task any easier. Could you blame him? He had to tell to his husband how bad he had treated him during that time and not push aside the emotional abuse. 

That definitely had damaged their relationship. Mio might be little and not remember it, but Izuku would. Once broken the truth can never be the same. And yet, the green haired Omega wasn't going to give up his family that easy.  Pushing away all the doubts he was having, because he knew that Katsuki from, let say, 2 months ago wasn't the same one that was infront of him today.

" Just relax" The ash blond Alpha say with a low voice. " Take your time, we have all day. I know i probably did some fucked up shit." He finishe with a  sigh.

" Wait- so, you know?" Izuku turn his head to look at Katsuki in the eyes.

" Not really, just a fuck up dream i had last night. It just felt too realistic to be a dream. So i thought it could be parts of the time i don't remember. I just need you to confirm how much of that was true, along with telling me the whole story.

" Ah, i see.... then let's begin"


By the end of his storytelling time, Izuku was even more stressed and Katsuki was sitting at the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands.

Izuku was nervous and the way the blond was silent during the whole time wasn't helping him. " And that's how we got here. You know the rest."

After he said the last of what was needed to be said, Izuku was just sitting looking at nothing in particular. Finding the floor and his fingers really interesting at the moment. He didn't go in great  detail with the story.  But the said was enough for Katsuki to confirm, that his dream indeed was true.

Not saying a word the blond quickly hug Izuku, making both of them to fall on the bed, now laying down. " Wha-" Izuku got startled.

" Sorry" Katsuki mumbled before Izuku could even voice his question. " I'm sorry, so so sorry. I'm really sorry"
The blond kept on apologizing until Izuku  stop him with a hands on his cheeks.

" Stop apologizing. I forgive you. It's fine now" Izuku placed a soft kiss on the Alpha's lips. " Caml down." He say and smile warmly. " Plus we have other things to worry about right now."

" What other things?" Katsuki raised eyebrow.

" Iida's missing"

"What? I saw him just yesterday tho. How can you be so sure he's missing?"

"About that" Izuku say up, the blond doing the same. " This isn't Iida. It's someone else. We aren't sure who it is, but we know they work for Shigaraki."

" That crusty lipsed bastard? I knew he was trouble. Not only that, but do you remember the party we attended like year and a half ago? Where almost every royal was?" Izuku nod, keeping silent to see where Katsuki was going with that. " He stared from head to toe every person in the damn room. Like he was plotting some shit.  Maybe he had some plan about how to take for every kingdom down. The recent wars he has been leading have proved this theory too. So i won't really be surprised if he's the one trying to take us down." Katsuki sigh. " So you think his people had kidnap Iida and have someone with the same appearances?"

Izuku shook his head. " Not the same appearances. We think they have used some kind of poison. We also think that the one that's pretending to be Iida is a witch. Tsu said she knew her in the past."

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