chapter 28

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It was late at night, yet Katsuki couldn't fall back asleep no matter what he tried. " Fuck" he cursed under his breath and look at the  sleeping Izuku next to him along with Mio.
" I swear, i don't deserve you not after what i did..."

Could you stop bothering me! You're so annoying don't you have something else to do?! Just leave! Useless as ever! How can you be so pathetic?! Can't you do one thing right?!

"Was all of that dream true? Is this how i acted at the time i don't remember anything?" He sigh and lay down again,  hugging Izuku. " Why won't you tell me? I could've tried to make it up to you.  *chuckle* Now even i want Todoroki to punch me, maybe i really should let him. " He nuzzled on Izuku's neck and sigh. " I think we should have a talk tomorrow, otherwise you'll probably never tell me about that time. But i can't just leave it like that."


" Morning Kacchan!" I cheerful voice woke up the blond.

" Wha- Izuku?" He sit up rubbing his eyes. " What is it?"

" Wellllll, you have been asleep all morning plus the noon. Right now is 15:00 (3pm).. It's also raining outside so it should be fine for you to sleep in today. "

" WHAT!"  He shouted, now suddenly awake. " Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

" Uhhh, you just looked tired." The greenette look away. " I thought you could use some more sleep.... sorry."

" I- no its fine" Bakugou hug Izuku by the stomach. " It's not your fault,  sorry for screaming. I was just surprised, I've never slept until this late."

Izuku pat his head and smile. " It's okay. I brought you breakfast by the way,  pancakes."

Katsuki chuckle and took the plate."You didn't have to, but thanks" He settled the plate on the nightstand next to him. " Um, Izuku?" He began unsure.

" Yeah?"

The blond sigh. " I think we should have a talk.  And before you start freaking out, you didn't do anything. It's related to the past few months, the ones i don't remember anything about."

" I- Kacchan... I really don't want to talk about that time." The greenette look down.

Katsuki sigh again. " Izuku, you know I hate forcing you to do things you don't want to do.  But this? I can't let this slide. You say you're fine, but...... but I had a dream and it was way too realistic to be just a dream. I'm pretty sure It was a memory from that time." Izuku tensed up. " If what i saw, is true..... then we can't let that go without a proper talk. Otherwise it might mess with our relationship in the future. You understand, right?" Bakugou ask, Izuku nod. " Hey, look me in the eyes and use your words, yeah?"

Izuku finally look back up. The whole time Katsuki had talked he was staring at the floor, remembering all the things that had happened. Biting his lip he look at Katsuki's eyes. " I- yeah, I understand." He said.

" Then, you know you must tell me, right?"

" I do...... what- what do you want to know?"

Katsuki pat the spot next to him. "Everything babe and come sit here, it will be a long talk." Izuku did what told and took the spot on the bed next to him husband.  " No matter how awful, you have to tell me, okay? And if i see that it has become too much for you, or if you feel like it's too much, you can stop, okay?" The greenette nod in understanding, getting his thoughts together. Making  a plan in his head of how to explain all the things that had happened.

Felt like writing abit. Small dose of motivation but i decided to use it. I think this should be better than no chapter after all, right???


Hope y'all enjoy!
Stay safe and love ya!~¤♡¤~

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