chapter 8

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30 minutes later, Izuku was still on the balcony and Mio sleeping. Just then he saw a carriage coming towards the castle. He try his best to see who it is and when it get closer he could pinpoint Kaminari's yellow hair. Yes he is blonde, but his hair is so saturated blonde, that it can be called yellow. And that's exactly hoe Izuku identify him, never in his live has he seen someone else with that hair color. Plus the bits of red he could see also give them away.

With a big smile on face Izuku run toward the entrance. Mio should be asleep for atlest 2 more hours, so she'll be fine. He have more than enough time to go downstairs and get back to her.

As he run he almost crashed in one of the knights. " Sorry!" He shout and continue running not even looking at it was. The knight chuckle knowing exactly why his queen was so excited and continue his way.

From afar Izuku spot Mina so when he was near he shout. " Hey, Mina! Please go to Mio's room and watch her, Thank you!" He run past her.

Mina look his way confused for a moment. " I, ugh, sure?" She say to no one and walk toward the princess's room.

Izuku was already down infront of the entrance. Now he only had to wait for the carriage to get there.

Not long after he could see both of his friends silhouettes from afar.

Izuku wqs so happy just seeing them, that he couldn't resist the urge to run to them. " DENKI!" He shout as he practically jumped on the other male, taking him in a hug.

Kaminari hug back and smile. " Hey Izu, haven't seen you in a while. I missed you so much"

" Me too" Izuku let him go. " I have so much to tell you about! Oh, and you both still haven't meet my daughter yet." He continue his happy rambling, while Kirishima and Kaminari just listen.

When Izuku stop talking Kirishima chuckle. " Good to know you're the same bro" he pat the Omega's head. "You're still as energetic as ever, that's good"

Izuku gasp. " I almost forgot! Come on let's go inside." He gesture them to follow him inside. " The maids and servants will take care of your baggage. "We can go and talk"

The other two agree. Soon they were in Izuku's office, his sitting in his chair and Kaminari and Kirishima across of him. " So, I'm guessing we are talk about work first?" The greenette nod. "Well then, what seem to be the problem, Queen of the dragon kingdom."

Izuku sigh. " I'm gonna be straight, we need a bit of land. It doesn't need to be permanently, just temporary works too."

" So why don't you ask the other kingdoms?" Kirishima raise eyebrow. During things like that Kaminari preferred not to get involved. It was Kirishima's kingdom and he didn't want to mess something up. Not like the redhead was gonna get too mad. Denki just preferred not to risk the kingdoms wealth and health.

" Unfortunately we tried, The Monoma's kingdom just wanted things from us that i wasn't willing to give. And the Shigaraki's kingdom isn't even an option. Other than that we have your kingdom and in the other direction there's a sea." Izuku explain.

Kirishima cross arms. " How much money had the Monoma's wanted that you didn't want to pay?" He ask curious

" That's the thing" Izuku continue. "They didn't want money" He pause. "They wanted people, omegas to be more specific and we all know very well how they are treated in that kingdom"

Kirishima sigh. " How many land are we talking about?"

"Not too much, just around 3 or 4 fields"

" Is that so?" Kirishima sigh again. "Okay, we have a deal. I will let you use them temporary and won't take anything in return. Look at it as a way of saying thank you, for all the time you've helped us." Izuku smile " Now let's talk personal!"

Izuku giggle. " Sure"

" Sooooo" The redhead started awkwardly. " Why isn't your office and Katsuki's combined anymore?"

" Uhh" Izuku shift uncomfortably in his seat. " I'm pretty sure you're gonna find out soon" he give an awkward smile.

Kirishima narrow his eyes. He was good at observing and had a legendary sixth sense. Right now both of them were screaming at him that something was wrong. He didn't want to wait, but also didn't want to pressure the omega more than it was necessary, so he leave it alone.

For now

If Izuku was saying that they would eventually find out, then he was willing to wait a little. "Anyway " he try to change the subject. "You say you were going to show us your daughter?"

Kaminari gasp. " Eeehhh, i can't wait to see the little cutie" he bounced on his seat, like a child that was wait fot its dessert after dinner.

Izuku giggle, suddenly filling with happiness once again at the mentioning oh his little sunshinem "Let's go then!" He say with a smile

Words: 849

Y'all, i forgot if the kingdom was next to the ocean or a sea.

Welp, it doesn't matter now, it's gonna be sea from now on.

Hope y'all enjoy!

Stay safe and love ya! ~¤♡¤~

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