chapter 3

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The next day come and i wake up to daughter crying. I've been sleeping her most of the time and let me tell you that chair magical! It so comfortable, I'm pretty it shouldn't be ro that point but I'm not complaining. The reason why i sleep here, is because i don't want to leave my daughter alone and because Kacchan say he doesn't want to be waken up by crying baby, so i just went to sleep in the room we prepare for her, most of the time.

I take my girl in my hand and try to calm her down. It worked really well. I get her dressed and went my and Kacchan's room. Of course he wasn't there. I changed clothes and go to the dining room, so we can eat breakfast. When i sit and place Mio in the baby chair Kacchan spoke. " Today we have meeting with, king Monoma, you have to attempt" he coldly say.

" Time?" I ask without many words. I learned that, the less i talk to him, the more i feel happy. It's not that i don't love him anymore, he just changed and not for the better.

" 15:00 (3PM) , be there" He say ans get up from his seat leaving the room.

I sigh. " All of you can come and eat now" We use to eat with the maids and knights, everyone that works here. But we stop, or atlest that's what Kacchan think. I still wait for him to leave so i can eat with everyone. Everyone take a seat and began to chatter among themselves. I feel so...... lonely? Is that the word? I just feel empty and sad. I look at Mio that had dirtied her dress. Well expect when she's around, thank you Kacchan, for leaving me something before you obviously stop loving me.

I giggle when she was about to snatch the cookie from Momo's plate, she's one of the most sweet and caring maids we have. If i will give Mio to anyone, it will be her. Mio take her cookie and soon Momo notice. She look at her plate and say. " Oh my, where did my cookie go? Did i eat it and forgot?" She put finger on het chin.

" Sorry Momo, Mio took it" i say. She look at me and smile.

" It's fine Izuku, I will just take another one" She say and took herself new one. She's like my second mom, i admire her really much. I finish eating and feeding Mio and stand up from my seat.

" If you excuse me, i have things to do now, please enjoy your breakfast. And send whoever finish first to bring me the documents i have to take a look at, in Mio's roo" I bow and exit the room, leaving the personal to eat.

Soon enough as i was playing around with Moi, someone knock on the door. I got up and open it, seen Mina with stack of papers. " That's the documents you need boss" She jokingly say.

I chuckle and take them, oof their hella heavy. " Thanks Mina, please call me for lunch."

" Will do" She say and close the door.

Recently i discovered that if i do my work in Mio's room is easier. Cuz I don't wanna leave her with someone else, but i also have yo do my duty as a queen. She was rowing around, and made couple attempts to walk, but that's all. I was done with most of them when i saw it was nearly 15:00 (3 PM). I sigh and take Mio from her play spot. "Come on, sweetie, we have to take you ro Momo or someone else." Say and she giggle at me. " What? Am i funny?" I ask with a smile. She continue to giggle and i walk out of the roow going to find Momo.

Soon enough i find her and when she saw us i wave. She come over and take Moi without questions. " It's nearly 3PM , I'm guessing you want me to watch her?" She ask and i nod. " Of course i can, she smile sweetly.

" Momo your a live savior" I hug her. " Thank you so much, you know what to do, i really have ro go" i run out of the room and toward the meeting room.

" He really doesn't act like queen" She say to Mio and smile. " But that's a good thing".....

Words: 742

I wanted to make this one 1000 words too, but stop here because i wanted to leave all the drama for the next chapter.😗

Hope you enjoy!
Stay safe and love you all!~¤♡¤~

~I'm sorry My Love~ Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum