Chapter 1

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The wind is blowing through the trees as we can be seen looking through forest as well going up to an opening to see a girl on the dock near the water reading a book in peace.

Then out of nowhere a drone comes full force directly towards her before going soon as she looks up a guy starts laughing from behind her going up behind her before she answers ..

" What the fuck celeb " she answers in anger

" Wait till you see the shot I got,you look like you were gonna shit a brick out sideways " he laughs walking closer to her

" You could have,taken my head off " she whines to him

" it wouldn't have been a clean decapatation with these blades,it would have just scrambled your face up real good" he says before walking to the side grabbing a beer from his pocket chugging it

As she scoffs from behind him,he later burps before she's had enough and says

" shouldn't you go see if Jessica is feeling better?"

" She'll be fine I gave her colanopine so she could sleep off whatever the fuck is wrong with her,girl is such a pain in the ass " he says before going back to fly his drone

After she here's that she drops her book before making her way to the house

As she's inside since the house is so quiet she hears her friend Jessica coughing from upstairs. So she makes her way up and into the room trying to be as quiet as possible


She calls to see if she can hear anything
Then she starts walking around looking through everything before she enter
s the bedroom where her friend is

As she enters she sees her best friend lying in a uncomfortable position in the end of the bed

She says

"How you feeling,cause since none of these other friends of yours bothered to show up,can I take your car and escape the hell hole of being stuck here with latest boyfriend"

She says but gets no reply so she answers great chat before getting up and going to the otherwise of the room and sitting down

" You better wake up in the next half and hour or I'm gonna be forced to go hiking with his brainless meat puppet sorry ass "

As she says this she hears her friend giggle before she goes back to reading her book

Then out of nowhere she see her friend start to thrash around in the bed before stopping then when she looks back at her book she hears her friend mumbling before she looks up and jumps at the sight of her friend sitting up in the bed

Then out of nowhere her friend starts recite words from her book word for word

"The intense horror  of my nightmare came over me,I try to draw back my arm but then my hand clung on and the most maniacally voice soft" Let me in---Let me in!as it spoke I desired upscreuly a child's face looking through the window"

her friends voice getting darker and more sinister

She shuts the book before looking up

" I pulled it's wrist on to the broken bine and rubbed it to and from back and forth"


"JESSICA" She screamed trying to get her friends attention before her friend fell down onto the other side of the bed

She gasped as she walked around to the other side towards her friends body before Jessica started to seize and puke

She started cursing holding her friends head then all of a sudden it just stopped as she tried to listen for a heart beat Jess opened her eyes and took a hold of her neck and wrapped her hand around her hair before saying

" Who's the brainless meat puppet now "

She said before yanking her hair pulling of her scalp

Before then we now see Caleb passing in the lake before he turns around hearing someone call his name

He sees his friend bleeding from the head

" What the hell happened?" Before they see Jessica come up behind them and walk towards the drone before smiling then pulling into her face and then she drops into the lake

Celeb runs and jumps after her as their Friend screams seeing blood come up and hearing his screams because then after that his head shoots up out of the water

Then she turns around to see her friend come up out of the water


Welcome to evil dead rise I haven't seen so much fics on this so I decided to write my own don't be afraid to comment

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