120 8 12

word count: 858
published: 06/15/23

Bakugou's vision blurred in and out, the sounds of fire crackling around him and distant people shouting. The feeling of something warm running up the side of his neck as he hung upside down.

As his consciousness was regained he could hear the light tapping noise of the blood running from his hair and dripping onto the cars ceiling.

"Y-Y/N," He choked out, trying to make out his surroundings. He was still buckled in, hanging upside down from his flipped car. His airbag hung deflated in front of him. Looking to his side, he could see your lifeless figure, your seatbelt undone and body collapsed on the roof of the car hanging halfway out of the shattered window.

He crashed.

His whole body ached, his legs especially. There was blood splattered everywhere, across the dashboard, the seatbelts, what was left of any of the windows, he just hoped it was mostly his. Pulling a hand up, he fumbled with the seatbelt, trying to unleash himself.

With a click of a button, he fell forward onto the roof of the car, "Y/N," He sputtered, blood crawling up his throat as he did.

Using his arms, he pulled himself out of the vehicle through the drivers window, rolling over onto the wet grass, mud, and glass fragments. Despite the rain, the lower half of the car was up in flames.

This was the dizziest he felt in his life, but the one thing he knew he had to do was get to you, and with that he crawled to the other side of the car.

"No, no, no, Y/N," You were lying unconscious, and from what the ash blonde could tell, you had a massive injury on the side of your head resulting in a small pool of blood around you.

He sat up, his body running entirely on adrenaline, dragging the rest of your body from the mess and through the debris in the mud. His scuffed arms wrapped around you, pulling you up close to him. "Y/N, wake up, wake the fuck up, c'mon, Y/N," He shook your body, trying to get some response.

Your eyes fluttered open, "Katsuki?"

"I'm here, baby, I'm here," Tears were rolling down the sides of his face, falling over you and mixing into the puddle of mud he sat in.

Your whole body felt like it was on fire and you couldn't move, the feeling of your warm blood running along your body mixing with the cold raindrops and warmth of the fire was confusing you.

Bakugou lifted your head closer to him, incoherent sobs spilling from his lips as he continued to shake his head. You could recognize the look on his face, an intense mixture of fear, guilt, and tragedy.

To him, your face was unreadable, almost sitting blank until you parted your bruised lips, "Hold me darling, just a little while." Your voice came out in a strained whisper.

Katsuki leaned down, a pain rippling throughout his body but he continued nevertheless. Cupping one side of your face, he gently pressed his lips onto yours. You used what energy you had left to press yourself up. The feeling of both of your blood-coated, cracked lips coming together, dismissing the small particles of dirt between your lips had permanently engraved itself into both of your minds.

The salty taste of blood and tears lingered even after you pulled away from each other. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry," Bakugou was rambling on and on, one apology after another.

"Stop, I love you," You managed to speak, catching him off guard but only sending him into more hysterics. Your body no longer felt warm anymore, but it was overpowered by the cold and you were oh so tired.

"I love you, Y/N," He finally responded, his grip on you tightening. "Hey, stop, Y/N, don't close your eyes goddamnit! Please!" He shook you again, his want to be gentle with you conflicting with his desperate emotions.

The sound of another person yelling caught him off guard, making him take in his surroundings. He had fallen in a ditch all the way on the left side of the road. The car was absolutely totaled and he couldn't quite depict what had happened.

"Over here!" A man was standing on the side of the road, overlooking the ditch and pointing down at the wreck that you and Bakugou sat in. More people filed in next to the man before some of them in uniform jumped down the side of the hill.

All of them were talking at once, their speech mixing together and Bakugou found that he wasn't able to understand. His head hurt and everything was spinning.

His mind screamed at him as the people tore you from his grasp, hurriedly getting both of you onto stretchers. The group of people had finally carried both of you back up to the road, occasionally losing footing in the soft mud beneath them.

After making it back to the top, Bakugou could make out the same stalled van, and this time, a semi truck parked next to it. People were crowded everywhere and red and white lights were flashing over everything.

Everything was happening so fast. He just wanted to hold you.

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