125 12 14

word count: 788
published: 06/08/23

The car revved to life as Bakugou stuck the key into ignition, the clicking of your seatbelts ringing out as you buckled up.

The ash blonde made sure to carefully pull out of the parking lot before letting his free hand interlock with yours over the center console. Normally he kept two hands on the steering wheel, but the roads were mostly empty at this time of night, especially in the countryside.

He looked over at you in confusion as you rolled down your window to an extent, letting the wind blow over you as you looked outside. "Y/N, we've got the heater on, you're going to get your dumbass sick!"

"It'll be fine, live a little, Katsu," You smiled, stealing a glance at him before leaning towards the window again. You rubbed your thumb over his in reassurance, feeling him loosen up slightly.

During the day, the pastures would be littered with cows or other livestock like sheep or horse. However, you assumed they would be asleep at this hour, or maybe their keepers had gathered them in the barn to keep them safe.

Oh, you couldn't wait to get back to the cabin to spend time with Katsuki. Maybe even finish what you had started in the parking lot?

Bakugou's eyes were glued to the road, however, every once a while he would glance over at your amused expression. The faces you made never failed to spark a fire inside his heart and soul.

You hummed along to the barely noticeable radio, watching as the road beside you flew past in a blur. Fields upon fields, one after another, and you still couldn't get enough of it. Some of the fields were more green than the others, and some of them had taller grass than the others. Some had many trees and some were bare.

Bakugou knew how much you loved the rural areas, despite currently living in a packed and busy city. Throughout your earliest years you had grown in the countryside, but once you went into middle school your family had moved to Musutafu.

That was where you had met the fiery ash blonde. If someone had told eleven year old you that you would once be married to the stuck up brat that sat three rows to your left would end up as your husband in the next ten years, you would have never believed them.

It was funny how life worked its ways, some people never saw your relationship coming. You were an unlikely pair until you finally got together in high school, then it had become almost obvious to everyone that you would be inseparable after that.

Katsuki wasted no time in proposing to you fresh out of high school, not even waiting to finish college. It didn't matter in the end, you both got through it together.

"When we get back to the cabin, I'll call the agency," Bakugou's rough voice brought you back down to earth.

"I'm so thankful we got to do this," You spoke, propping your elbow up on the door so you could hold your chin up in the palm of your hand. "Hey, we still have leftover ice cream in the freezer," You said, perking up at the realization.

Bakugou pondered his memory before also recalling that you had bought a carton of ice cream from the grocery store, neither of you two were able to finish it so you had slipped it into the freezer for later.

Just as Katsuki looked back on the road he noticed some raindrops splattering across the windshield, "It's raining, roll up your window."

"Huh, it is spring, afterall," You said, rolling the window up as the rain began to come down harder, making a rumbling noise on the roof of the car, "April showers bring may flowers."

"It's not even April yet," He retorted, it was only the end of March, but he still thought your observation was cute. He looked over to see you comparing how fast each raindrop would run down the outside of the window, making him smile to himself.

"The rain will only make the cabin feel cozier," You said, looking away from your raindrop race to look at your husband.

"Tch, as of right now the only thing it's doing is blocking my view," Bakugou spoke, switching on the windshield wipers. He looked back up from the dashboard to see a van stalling in front of your car.

"What the-" He quickly swerved to the left, barely making it around the side of the vehicle before a bright flash of white light infiltrated the inside of the car and a blaring horn could be heard. It all happened so fast. Your blood curdling scream, the screeching tires, and the busting glass was the last he heard before everything went black.

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