CHAPTER 1 | Deciding With Francis

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PART 1 | Riding to Main Town 

I and my older brother and were both riding to town when I remembered by the back of my mind a youtube video 'Treated like a Baby'. I rode closer on my bike.

"Francis, I was wondering if you wanted to do a TBDL??" Arlo Asked
"What's TBDL?" Francis Replied
"TBDL is where someone acts like a baby and uses nappies," Arlo Replied
"U-uuh I guess..." Francis Replied

Arlo & Francis rode into town and they rode their bikes into Sainsbury and then got of their bike, Arlo & Francis went up the escalator into Sainsbury, Arlo & Francis parked their bikes in a corner of the Sainsbury, 

Arlo grabbed a shopping cart and they looked down the aisle they found the baby aisle. 
"Alright, I made a list of all of the stuff we needed." Arlo Said
"O- Okay" Francis Replied
"We need nappies, pacifiers, bottles,wipes, laxatives" Arlo Said

Francis walked over with Arlo and they walked looked down the Aisle they saw some size eight nappies they had a cute boy on the front of the nappy. Arlo grabbed the boy's set of nappies and then Francis took them out of the trolley.
"I am transgender I have not come out"  Francis Said Awkardly
"Okay let us get you some girl nappies then" Arlo Replied

Francis grabbed the set of 22 girl nappies with unicorns on the front of them. Francis blushed and Arlo had seen him in the corner of his eye. Francis walked over to the pacifiers and grabbed a set of 2 pacifiers with unicorns on the front of the pacifiers. Whilst grabbing pacifiers, Arlo grabbed two sippy cups with unicorns on the front of them and then he grabbed some laxatives, 

Arlo walked up and paid with the £20 in his pocket that he had saved up he pushed the trolley out and then loaded up into his bag then put the TBDL stuff in his black bag. Francis got on his bike.

"There is a changing room here." Arlo Said
"Oh," Francis Replied

Arlo & Francis walked over to the toilets and walked into the disabled toilets which also had a baby symbol on it as well. Arlo walked behind him and then picked him up.

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