Castella Crespo

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The morning after Katies disappearance was ordinary, and as the sun rose Katies mother Castella started to wake ready for another working day. Castella's job was a baker which meant she had to get up at the crack of dawn very morning so she could make freshly baked goods ready for when she opened at ten. She put on her flannel apron and went downstairs to open the kitchen ready for the day. "Kate, its time to get up," she called from the bottom of the stairs and returned to kneading her dough for Hot Cross Buns.

Whilst absorbed in her task her mind wandered to better times.

"Would you like to go on a picnic?" a nine-year-old child with Katies hair stood on her doorstep holding up a big hamper, with a wide toothy grin.

They were in a field not far from Castella's house surrounded with daisies, "when I become a lord I will use all my power to do good," the younger boy stated cheerfully miming throwing money to crowds.

"I'm sure you will James," Castella laughed placing a flower crown on his head.

"I'm sorry!" James cried running after Castella who was storming away down the main road, "Cassy, please," he begged seizing her arm.

"What," she snapped as she whirled around, "are you sorry because you did wrong or because you got caught?" James faltered hesitating of a moment causing Castella's eyes to narrow, "that's what I thought."

Even then James couldn't leave her alone, every career she tried her hand at he paid the way to make it easier and thus ensuring she would forever be in his debt, even her bakery she hated to admit it but without James' help she would never have been able to set up on her own. Castella had hidden her pregnancy from him as she knew he wouldn't approve, and she was right as soon as he found out about Katie he was banging on her door and raged at her for over ten minutes with a terrified two year old Katie hiding behind her legs, eventually Castella had the courage shut the door in his face and that was the end of that thank you very much. And despite all this there was a ray of hope that had never been quite extinguished. The hope that they could be a family.

Returning from the maze of memories Castella realised she hadn't heard Katie come downstairs yet, "Katie, come on" she yelled getting impatient. After waiting a few seconds and still getting no reply she ventured up the stairs and pushed open her daughter's door, "Katie?" the room was completely empty no bed, chest of draws and worst of all no Katie. Castella's heart sunk through the floor praying that what she thought had happened wasn't true she rushed out the front door and scanned the cobbled street for any sign of Katie. "Hey, Tim," she yelled at a fruit seller setting his stand up for the day.

"Yeah Cassy," he yelled back, her shout having been so loud that it caused him to drop the apple he was holding.

"Have you seen Katie?" She screamed back desperately, a hysterical tinge to her voice.

"Can't say I have; I'll keep a lookout for her though."

Castella almost screamed in frustration, she scanned the street one final time and her gaze rested upon the huge mansions upon the hill and she made a beeline for them, after all she figured out if Katie had run down the street then someone there must have seen her. Unfortunately, many of the occupants would look down on Castella due to her status so there was only one option on who to go to, James Lovelock.

The door opened a few seconds after Castella knocked and a familiar face was in front of her, within the last few years James had aged yet he was no less handsome, he had grown out his blonde hair so it perfectly framed his face and his shoulders had gotten broader. In Castella's eyes he was beautiful, her mum would have said that he looked like an idiot.

"Cassy," he said his face neutral but his eyes gave away his surprise, they narrowed slightly, "what do you want?"

Castella shifted nervously, wringing her hands, "I was wondering if you had seen Katie walking in the street."

"Why would I have seen that, I certainly don't spend all my time gazing out a window besides she's of no importance, Lord knows why you decided to keep her."

Castella glared at him if looks could kill he would have dropped on the floor like a puppet whose strings had been cut, "you used to be so different, you were always so good to me before the others," she spat the last word distastefully.

James took stock of Castella's outraged expression, "what? You seriously didn't think anyone else would glance at you?" James sneered, "You owe me Castella. You should bow to me."

Castella felt the years old spark of hope die, to James she ranted, "for years I have carried a torch for you, every time we passed in the street, I gazed at you with hopeful eyes. But you're too blinded by your privilege, you care not for the feeling of others, only those of yourself. For years I hoped you would come back, if not for me for your daughter. You were someone I could trust to keep my secrets and shield them from the very Gods themselves. Well, I hope those Gods see what you have done and when you await judgement, they judge you with the weight of your myriad of sins. You were my best friend, my confidant, I loved you with all my heart and you ripped it out and shredded it and there will come a time when someone does the same to you. You could have used your money and influence for good and instead this is what you make of your life," the steam left Castella, "I just don't understand," she whispered softly.

James looked her in the eye, "because in a world that thrives on wickedness being good is such a waste – it doesn't get you anywhere." With those final words he slammed the door shut in Castella's face, an imitation of what she did to him all those years ago. 

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