Chapter 2: Batman

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Ivy woke up in a dark room. She had no recollection of the night before, or the events leading to it. She saw a Batman cape laying on the bed.
Wat 😟😟?? she thinked. Suddenly, the muscular mafia man appeared. "Good morning little mouse", he said. He opened the curtains to let the sunshine in. The rays of light fell on Ivy's skin, which made her skin shine like glitter and her brown eyes look like pools of cum. "Wat am I doing here ??????????" she askinged him. "Do not fear, for batbabydaddy is here😈😈" replied Mr. Mafia. Ivy yawned and then stretched cutely. She should be concerned, but she somehow felt safe. She felt like this man was Ogay and he wouldn't harm🔥🫷her... but suddenly, a wave of discomfort came over her.
"U-uh... Mr. Bombastic... I have a question..." whimpered Ivy.
"Yes my little chicken pie, go ahead"
"I-iz tgat the.... FRENCH FLAG???????🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁"
"Nooo nooo noo, how did that get here???" Mr. Bombastic Mafia Muscles man was absolutely enraged. He put on his Batman cape and flew away on his helikopter, determined to find the root of this French evil.
Ivy's beautiful head hit the pillow as she fell asleep again.


"Come out piss guy... I know you're in there." Growled Mafia Batman.
A notorious cackle filled the air. It sounded weirdly French. Batman mafia man knew it was piss guy.
Alas, all his insults were in vain, for piss guy showed no sign of appearing. It was as if he was shouting into the void. Mafia Batman decided to give one last call.
Suddenly, a small tornado began forming in front of him. Batman was petrified. A tornado? In suspicious corner 4?? Things were not adding up... that is, until piss guy pooped out of the tornado.
"I heard you call me a  frak ... Do you know that's a nicki minaj song :D" said piss guy in a french accent. He started whistling the tune . He want a F-R-E ayo F-R-E-A-K
"Nicki Minaj is good but your whistling is mid. are you gay? I have heard gay people are bad at whistling. But of course you like her, you... you French." The word escaped Batman's mouth distastefully. He hated the French with all his heart.
Piss guy gasped and was taken aback. He would've clutched his pearls if he had any.
"As the popular saying goes...... CALL ME GOOD.... CALL ME BAD.... BUT DON'T. CALL. ME. MID!!!!!!!!" He started convulsing rapidly and spinning uncontrollababbly free dor ays. He emerged again, but this time, his silliness was gone. Neon green eyes had taken the place of his otherwise beutiful poop colur eyes... And the eyes were diso lighting.
Fangs started apeearing.
His silly tongue was replaced by a grimacing smirk.
Oh no, thought Batman.
It's happening.
Piss guy is going into goblin mode.

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