Chapter 4: Russia 🇨🇮

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Ivy woke up, still slightly dazed. Her petite frame sat up, her emerald green orbs darting from corner to corner, trying to make sense of the dark room she woke up in.
"Aaron, a-are you there?", she squeaked.
Suddenly, a beam of light appears in the middle of the room, highlighting Aaron sitting in front of a piano wearing a hat that says "eat. sleep. jellyfish. repeat."
"Hey babugirl, I'm sorry I got so mad at you for eateding the jellyfish chest hair 😞 to apologise properly I will play you a song"
Ivy's eyes sparkled and she giggled boobily. "Oh Aaron you're so silly I love you mwah"
Aaron took a deep breath and started hitting the keys melodically, singing in perfect harmony.

"Jellyfish balls are so yummy~
I love getting kicked in the tummy!
My dick is long,
just like my love for you
I want to see jellyfishes in thongs
black, green, pink and blue 💙
Russia can't match my rizz
no matter how hard they try~
I'm being hunted by the CIA,
My nike kicks are so fly 😈🔥❗🗣️"

He completed his song and bowed and Ivy clapped as she ovulated.
They stared at each other for a solid thirty minutes before exchanging a very quick, but sloppy, kiss.
"Ivy I think - I think.... I think I'm cumming", Aaron moaned loudly as he came so hard that he drained all of Russia's cum reserves.
"Aaron ohno 😖😖 Aaron what have you done 🥺🥺 now putin daddy will cum after you", Ivy stuttered cutely.
"It's okay they won't know ssh it's a secret", Aaron reassured her.

💕Meanwhile in Russia💕

"Sir, our reserves are being depleted at an alarmingly ball giggly rate", Greg Heffley, Putin's ASSistant said.
"Prepare the tanks Gregory, someone needs a spanking from Vladdy Daddy 👿❗", Tootin Putin declared sexily.

🇨🇮Back at Aaron's bat mansion🇨🇮

Ivy did the floss as Aaron did the orange justice really badly as they celebrated the depletion of the cum reserves when suddenly someone burst through the wall.
"THE KOOL AID MAN???", Ivy screeched.
"Wrong, darling, guess again", Putin's voice bellowed.
"Poutine?", Aaron guessed.
"Wrong again, sweetcheeks. ITS-A ME-A PISS GUY!! :D", Putin ripped off his skin suit to reveal piss guy.
Piss guy struck a pose as his yellow hair blinded Ivy. Aaron subconsciously started drooling, wanting to suck on piss guys shiny scalp.

Ivy asked, "Hey piss guy what's your actual name"
"It's Jeremiah Lancaster Neville Oliver, but you can call me PeePee <3", PeePee exclaimed happily.

Aaron recovered and grinned mischievously and said, "hey babygirls lemme show you something goofy"

"Whatever could it be...", Ivy thjinked ponderingly.

Angle of depression 😔⛓️🥀حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن