Chapter 1

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I gasped as the clock struck one at midnight.

Sweat breaking my skin as panic breathes me out. It's the same fucking dream over and over again.

Same Screams,
Same Room,
Same Horrors.

Dreams ought to fade after waking up. But mine doesn't.
It's always creeping under my skin gagging me until my last breath. I couldn't escape it. No matter how much I have tried. They will catch me like a prey wherever I go.

I looked around my room, lit by midnight moonlight. There in the huge mirror, my reflection stared back at me.

Dark eyes, Dark hair and scars all over my pale sickly limp body. All so dark but very Deadly.

I am like a piece of glass. Small, broken but lethal enough to draw blood.

Lethal enough to kill.

I hurled myself out of the bed, tied my long hair and slipped a white shirt over my torn body.

White is a colour I have been made into. Perfect and Posh but always dotted with blood.

It's never enough for them. Isn't it?

No matter how much I have tried to escape the 'Oblivion Day'.

It's never enough.

I can never escape from their praying hands. They are true to their promise. Every year it comes out of nowhere throwing me into a stupid puzzle to solve to make out alive. I tried to think of it only as a game. Of their strange way to make me pay the dept.

But for how long?

Last year I barely made out alive. Bloody hands as always. It never gets better only worse. More blood, more violence, more horror.

How much more do I have to suffer for a foolish deal I made as a kid?

Sometimes I fear it will never end. Go round and round in a circle until a point where I die.

I heard a knock on my door before Jared dashed into my room without warning.

"I need your room for tonight." He barked his ugly mouth at me.

"For what?" I sneered looking at his fucked up condition, the neighbourhood Jenny in his arms.

"I am not going to let you do your dirty work in my room.
Just find somewhere else!" He is a madman. I curse my every living moment that he is my step-brother.

"Are you ordering me, Sis?"
He raised his eyebrow threatening me. I so dearly wish, I could snap his neck right here but my obligations as a sister forbids me so.

"Fine, do what you want but make sure you leave before morning. I don't want to see you lying here when I come back." I picked up my car keys and moved out.

"Thanks, April!" Jenny murmured as the door of my room shut closed.

I ran down the stairs thinking of how wrong I was to get rid of my damn life when I made the deal. I thought It will change to something awesome, it only made it worse.

I went outside and pulled up my hoodie. It was slightly raining in New York.

No wonder Jared chose my room instead of the garage because his drunk friends were being stupid in his. And even though our house has many rooms mine is the one nobody bothers to enter anyways. I am the least person to grab any attention.
A ghost in my own house, just breathing and moving.

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