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For once, I decided to head outside of my office, and have some fun with my new buddy, Springtrap!

It was during the dayshift, too. I managed to convince my employer to allow me to work both shifts, but I'd have to take a break occasionally, perferably every week.

But if I do not decide to do so every other week, I would have to take a break for at least one week during a month.

[I didn't realize how much sense working both a night and dayshift didn't make, so I'm kinda making stuff up here to make it make sense, haha! My bad!]

"GOT YA!!!" Springtrap yelled as I could hear someone scream in fear.

Springtrap quickly chuckled in satisfaction afterwards. Surprisingly, he seemed to enjoy his job of scaring others more than I thought he would have.

I walked up to him after having heard the scream, seeing a man, presumably who Springtrap intimidated, heading away in the opposite direction awkwardly.

Springtrap's face lit up as he turned, and saw me approach him!

"Why hello there, Y/N!"

He spoke cheerfully as he quickly rushed in and gave me a hug. I could barely hug back as it was quite brief, though.

Probably because he doesn't want to risk us getting caught or in trouble. Despite that, he seemed to have decided that it was at least worth a little risk to try to sneak a hug in there.

"Someone's a happy bunny."

I commented.

Springtrap blushed a small bit out of embarrassment.

"Hey! I can still be scary, even to you!"

He crossed his arms, a smirk growing on his face.

In contradiction to the bunny's statement, his own small, fluffy bunny tail began to wag a bit, seemingly in reaction to what I said.

An idea popped into my head, and I decided to take the opportunity to fluster the rabbit further.

"Oh? And what's this behind ya?"

I said as I got close to the bunny, my body still in front of the rabbit's as I moved my head just close enough to see the wagging tail, poking it with my finger.

Springtrap seemed to twitch slightly from this.

"H-HeYY! It's not my fault you're so...kind."

The rabbit said, his voice sounding a little funny. The pause in his sentence made it sound as if he were substituting kind for another word he had in mind.

"Oh really?"

I smirked, as I decided to slowly move my whole hand towards the fluffy tail, wanting to rub it a bit. Admittedly, the fur felt surpringly nice, and comforting.

"Yeah, I mean, you're one of the few people I've seen since-"

I unintentionally cut the bunny off as I rubbed his tail with my hand.

This seemed to provide a much, much more drastic reaction in comparison to the poking, and I could feel the fur around the bunny's entire body move, as, before I knew it, I could feel said body falling on top of mine.

"A-AH! Y/N!"

Springtrap yelled out as he fell on top of me.

Worried that I hurt the rabbit, and ignoring the very unpleasant pain, and sensation of hitting the ground hard, especially with the force of Springtrap's body, I quickly apologized.

"Oh my gosh! Sorry Spring! I was just messing around!" I quickly blurted out.

Springtrap pushed himself up, as he put a hand up, dismissing my concerns.

"No worries. I'm not hurt or anything. It's just that, well...I can be quite sensitive there, especially when it comes to petting or rubbing."

He explained, and I nodded in response.

"Phew, that's good to know. Last thing I'd wanna do is get ya hurt."

The two of just stared at each other now, right in the eyes, though neither of us seemed to be quite sure why.

Perhaps it was because our body's were aligned with the other, Springtrap's face right over mine, our eyes lined up with the other's.

I then felt myself blush, as Springtrap seemed to do so as well.

"Umm..." We heard someone comment, the two of us quickly looking towards the source of the voice.

It was a guy, who was just.. staring at the two of us, in the awkward position we were in.

We both gasped, blushing as we quickly and awkwardly got up, and stood next to each other, trying to save face.

This didn't seem to do much, however, as the other just..awkwardly walked away, leaving the two of us alone, and with some embarrassment.

"Well...that was..."

"Awkward." Springtrap finished for me.

"Yup." I agreed.

Despite the strange moments the two of us shared, we enjoyed the rest of the dayshift together.

Although the time we spent together during the dayshift did feel a bit awkward, it wasn't in a bad way, and neither of us seemed to feel too uncomfortable about what happened earlier.

Soon enough, before we knew it, dayshift would end, and the nightshift would begin once more.

The nightshift came quite quickly for me in particular, as I took a nap once the dayshift ended, so I could be up for the nightshift.

The nightshift gave the two of us the privacy we needed, to be free to do or talk about whatever we wanted.

Especially if either of us decides to bring up the...'thing' that happened earlier in the dayshift.

End of Chapter

Scary Bunny (Springtrap x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now