~Day Shift~

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You woke up, and surely enough, next to you was Springtrap, who seems to have fallen asleep next to you.

His body was leaning onto yours, and he had a peaceful sleeping expression on his face, which looked adorable in it's own way.

You tapped Springtrap's shoulder, and he slowly began to open his eyes.

"Huh...wha...?" The bunny sleepily said as he slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at you, and then the room around him.

He jumped a little, seemingly remembering something.

"Oops did I wake up late?! Sorry, I fell asleep." Springtrap said, panicking a little.

You laughed a little at his late reaction, and tapped his shoulder, trying to tell him to calm down a bit, and he did, sighing as well.

"Don't worry, it's alright Springtrap, I think we woke up just in time actually." You said, noticing that you didn't hear any children or adults in the building.

Springtrap nodded, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, heh." Springtrap said, scratching his head a little

Springtrap stretched a bit, yawning as well.

"Well, you ready for work today?" Springtrap asked, looking towards you, with a playful grin on his face.

Something about his gaze felt warm, welcoming, and playful. You don't know what it was, but you liked it.

You grinned as well, nodding.

"Yup! Can't wait to show the guests how bad the systems are!" You said jokingly. The two of you laughed a little.

"Seriously, I have to wonder how it actually got this bad. Even the old location had better security than this." Springtrap commented.

"Well, we should probably get ready for the day. That, and we probably don't wanna get caught sitting next to each other like this." Springtrap said, chuckling a little as he stood up.

You stood up as well.

"Awww alright then." You said, sounding a little disappointed.

Springtrap looked towards you and smirked.

"Hm? You wanna spend more time alone, with me~" Springtrap said in a flirty, and teasing tone, rubbing his finger on your chin with a big smirk on his face.

You blushed like mad, caught completely off guard by his comment and actions.

"H-Huh?!" You managed to exclaim, unsure of what to say or do.

Springtrap took his finger off your chin and laughed.

"Haha! Your reaction was priceless!" Springtrap said, still laughing a bit.

You were still blushing a bit.

"Heyyy come on!" You said.

Springtrap began to finish laughing.

"I'm sorry, it's just in my nature." Springtrap said.

You nodded, your blush beginning to fade away.

"Well, I better get going now, I've got some people to scare." Springtrap said, walking out the office entrance as he waved at you. You waved back as he left.

You stayed in your office for most of the day, pretending to be a security guard as you checked through the cameras in your office, and rebooted the systems whenever they went offline.

Although it was a bit boring, it was also kind of fun.

Sometimes, you would play the audio randomly when you saw guests walking by in the camera feed, and their reactions were often hilarious. Many of them either looked around in confusion, or ran away in fear. It was fun to watch.

But what was even more fun to watch was Springtrap scaring the guests.

He often managed to hide in corners or areas guests didn't see, and would often jump out at them yelling "Boo!" in a silly way.

All of the guests screamed or ran away in confusion. You could even tell that Springtrap was having fun as he often laughed afterwards from their reactions.

Soon enough, your day shift was over, and now you had to actually work as a security guard.

The place does feel a lot creepier at night, but luckily, you knew Springtrap wasn't a threat, so you felt a lot safer knowing that.

You waited for Springtrap to come into office, waiting around in your office chair until he finally arrived at the office entrance door.

"Were ya waiting for me?" Springtrap asked with a small grin on his face, you smiled and turned towards him.

"Maybe I was." You said playfully.

Springtrap's grin grew a little as he walked in.

"Well I'm finally here, and I'll make sure to keep you safe!" He said, as if he were your personal body guard or something.

You laughed at him a little, and he smiled in response.

"Well, I think we're both exhausted from earlier, soooo, how about we get some rest tonight? If we wake up early, we can even hang out for a while too." Springtrap offered, awaiting your response.

You thought about it. It was a bit before your shift actually starts. About an hour or two, so you probably could wake up before the day shift with some time to spare.

Plus, sleeping with Springtrap sounds strangely nice.

Sure! Why not?

"Sure! That sounds great!" You said enthusiastically.

Springtrap smiled and nodded.

The two of you got onto the small makeshift bed Springtrap brought in last shift.

"Night, Fluffy~" Springtrap said as he  looked towards you.

You blushed a bit from the nickname.

Was he...flirting with you?

The thought of that was...strangely appealing to you, but why?

"Night, Springy." You said back.

Springtrap smiled. He seemed to like the nickname.

Springtrap then closed his eyes, as he began to quickly fall asleep.

You yawned, quickly being overcome by your exhaustion, as you began to lean onto Springtrap.

His fur was surprisingly soft and warm, it felt really nice. You wanted to snuggle with it until you fell asleep.

Soon enough, the warmth of Springtrap's fur caused you to drift off to sleep.

End of Chapter

Scary Bunny (Springtrap x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora