~Second Shift~

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You head into Fazbear's Fright, and to the security office you were told about. It looks a little...off to say the least, but so does the rest of the building to be fair.

Last night, the guy on the phone did say that the office is part of the attraction, so it would make sense to have it this way.

You already got yourself somewhat adjusted to the system panel, and the monitor, so the second night should be a breeze, right?

Just hang out till 6 A.M., and then leave.

Well, the guy on the phone did mention that they found an animatronic, "a real one", so maybe you should check that out. Not like it can really move or anything, right? It should be deactivated by now.

You decide to open up your monitor to check it out. This place already gives you the creeps, and last thing you wanna thing is bump into one of those things and accidentally activate it.

While searching through the cameras, you do find the animatronic, but that's not what shocks you.

You see a green, damaged rabbit, standing in the hallway. It doesn't seem to be looking at the camera or anything, but it still freaks you out a bit. It even seems to be moving a little too, so it is clearly activated, or at least...alive.

What is that thing? And...why does it look more like a living being, rather than some stupid robot?!

Suddenly, static fills the camera, catching you by surprise, and once it clears, you notice that the rabbit is now gone, seeming to have left the room.

You begin to panic, frantically looking around the cameras to try and find it, but to no avail. While you're searching, the monitor's camera goes black, saying "camera system error", only making you panic more.

You then begin to hear a loud blaring alarm, and notice the flashing red lights in your office. Afraid, you quickly head to the system panel and hit "reboot all", hearing a small sound every few seconds as it began to reboot the faulty systems.

Perhaps this is what the audio system could be used for? But...will you find this rabbit in time? And if you don't...what will it do to you once it gets its hands on you?

You shake the thought from your head. That's not something you want to think about, especially not now.

The systems finish rebooting, and you rush back to your monitor, and open it again, carefully searching through the cameras again this time.

As you look through the cameras, you cannot find the rabbit anywhere, not even in the vent cameras, so you play the audio in a few cameras, hoping to see the rabbit walk over, but you don't.

Feeling a little anxious, you pull down the monitor, only to jump back at the sight of the rabbit staring at you, right in front of your office window.

Panicking in fear, you look around for some kind of weapon, something you could use to defend yourself, but there's nothing! Once you look back to the window, you notice that the rabbit is now gone.

Now you're absolutely terrified. You've screwed up somehow, and now this rabbit thing is probably going to kill you somehow, or maybe even torture you! You didn't sign up for this!

You gather some courage, and slowly walk around your office, looking around for any sign of the rabbit, when suddenly the rabbit jumps out from the doorless entry to your office, immediately causing you to fall back and onto the ground, screaming from pure terror.

"Huh...? Who are...?" The rabbit asks. It's voice was deep, and intimidating as a result, especially due to how it looked.

It stared down at you, probably noticing your terror.

Scary Bunny (Springtrap x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now