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You woke up next to your favorite person, and bunny in the whole wide world. Springtrap was snoring, fast asleep.

As you sat there, you remembered a plan you came up with. You wanted to do sooo many things with Springtrap, and yet, there were so many obstacles in the way, like "how" or "when".

You took out your notebook and began to write down some ideas as you brainstormed in your head.

Perhaps you could give Springtrap some sort of disguise, and leave with him! Thing is..if you did so during the day, employees would notice that Springtrap is missing.

Alternatively, you COULD do so at night, although you will be tired. The main risk is if the two of you become tired, and either forget to return the attraction, or fall asleep elsewhere.

And you DEFINITELY wouldn't be able to afford being sued by Fazbear Entertainment, or even paying for Springtrap if it comes to that.

You sighed. This was probably going to be impossible unless the place conveniently closed down or something.

Otherwise, you're going to have to deal with the obstacles that come with this place.

You closed your notebook and placed it down. You had written down a few ideas, but decided to give up on them for now.

You looked around the place, as you heard Springtrap move a little bit in his sleep. The fan provided a nice, small amount of noise to break the silence in the room.

And although the place DID look pretty gross, it didn't feel as bad as it did before for whatever reason.

Perhaps it was because Springtrap was there with you, or perhaps it was because you were getting used to the place.

You didn't really know, but it didn't really matter to you either way, whichever was the case.

You looked at Springtrap. He actually looked surprisingly adorable in his sleep, and quite peaceful as well. You couldn't help yourself, and gently pet his head a little.

This caused Springtrap to smile in response, despite being asleep. You giggled a bit, as you let out a relaxed sigh.

Maybe this next shift won't be so bad.

End of Chapter

Hey! This is more of a mini chapter, because I haven't been able to work on this story in quite a bit. I'm sorry about that, but hopefully this will be good enough for now!

Scary Bunny (Springtrap x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now