The captain and his men stood right next to the stage their prince was on just before he was about to get married. This may looked like the Kingdom of Viyivaria treasured their son when in fact a treason broke down in the castle causing the king to merely obey the order of the head of the royal guards.

   The prince on the other hand couldn't care less about anything and anyone. Its not like he told the guards to protect him and it wasn't his first time being thrown off the stairs by his father. It didn't even bother him how those three threw their positions in the air and came to his aid in the Iyophatian Kingdom. The prince has long lost emotion and passion throughout his life, his personality was nowhere near existent. He looked like a doll made by his father with no purpose and no life.

   The crown prince leaned down to obligate to the law of marriage and kiss his wedded husband, who pretended to close his eyes and enjoy the kiss. When in fact, the young prince barely felt anything not even a single hint of affection was seen in that kiss. Wooyoung wasn't even shocked, what would he expect from anyone anyway?

As the royal couple kissed, the room erupted with cheers and claps from all the present people. It was their crown prince's wedding afterall. The married couple made their way to their thrones, which didn't even strike the younger prince's nerve. Anyone would feel nervous sitting down on the throne of the next king.

The crown prince glared daggers at his husband which Wooyoung clearly saw but shrugged his shoulders, placing his palm on his cheeks and looking at the people. San was furious, why was he acting like it wasn't his fault he was put in this position. San blames everything on Wooyoung who had no say in this marriage or anything in general.

Hongjoong who was stationed beside Wooyoung's throne, made his way infront of Wooyoung and knelt one leg on his knees and the other on the ground. Hongjoong then carefully took the prince's hand in his and placed it on his forehead.

" I swear my sword and my soul to only serve you and be loyal to you my prince. I shall only live to protect you with my life. Wherever you are, just say my name and you will see me at your rescue, your royal highness Prince Wooyoung. I will slay whomever wish to harm you. " spoke Hongjoong as his two men bowed next to their captain. Everyone saw the scene unfold infront of them, none of them understanding what was going on.

San stared at the knights in the ground in disbelief, what were they even doing, he glanced at Wooyoung and once more, his eyes showed nothing. He looked nonchalant at the guards bowing to him, and that made him almost explode infront of all the people gathered here.

   " Why would you even do that? " whispered Wooyoung sighing as he looked at the three men on the ground infront of him. Hongjoong looked, hands still wrapped around his prince, " So you can believe in me and... " he trailed off and leaned up a little to come in close contact with his prince's ear " so that the fucker on your right knows he can't touch you " he continued and went back to his knees with a smirk on his face. Wooyoung then shrugged his shoulder as the men went back to their positions stationed next to their prince.

   San could have sworn that he saw the knight send daggers to him. They looked absolutely terrifying standing there, not on their imperial uniform nor the Iyophatian uniform. Their uniform was embodied with rare black diamonds and pearls matching their prince's natural hair color. They got this especially embroidered just to show their upmost loyalty to their prince.

   Prince Wooyoung did notice their unique uniform which matched his self. Deep down he knew he should at least thank them but at the same time this was the last thing in his head. After all, Wooyoung just felt the migraine rushing to his head constantly, the injury from the other day's side effect was still there.

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