Chapter 6: Infection

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This is going to be so hard incorporating these characters into my story! Seriously, read E.S. before reading this or you may have a brain damage and a brain damage and a brain damage and a brain damage and a brain damage. (Please someone get the reference, I put a reference into the prologue and no one has gotten it to this day)

* Speed POV

Lazuli and I were just eating ice cream today when the first abnormal thing in a long time happened. A bright light began shining behind us! "Speed, what in the world is that?", Lazuli said, not exactly scared or at least not showing it. The bright light started growing larger. "I don't know, but it looks a little bit like a magnagate", I said. "Okay, then I'm punching the face of whoever comes through this-", but before Lazuli could finish her sentence two Pokémon fell out of the magnagate and landed directly on top of her! I dragged Lazuli out from the bottom and we both looked at the two mons, mesmerized by what we saw. "Come on, at least CC looked normal most of the time, but what are these things!?", Lazuli said. "They seem to look like a jolteon and a glaceon, but with the features of different types on each of them!", I said. "I'm going to take them into my room, because our sisters will probably flip out if they see these... things", I said. 

"Ooo, I think I want to follow them", Crystal said to herself being half  materialized in the kitchen sink. Me and Lazuli brought the newcomers into my room. "That's weird, they really don't have any injuries, but they both have a few recent looking scars. Do you think they have a sort of healing factor like you, or do you think that it comes with their natural abilities?", Lazuli asked me. "Probably naturally, I said. "Oh look, something fell out of the jolteon's mane!", Crystal thought to herself. She brought the book back to her room and immediately started reading it. 

" I found two things in the jolteon's mane and one on his back", Lazuli said. "There is a hollow piece of his mane that is the exact same size as one of your really long comic books. Halfway hidden underneath his mane is a tattoo: it says Plasma, experiment ID-F86 property of Team Sylver: please call 123-456-7890 if found or else...", she told me. "Wow, I guess they were just normal Pokémon at one point. There is only one mon that I saw during my entire journey as a rescuer!", I said. "Well, there's also the weird black thing on his back", Lazuli said. The second that I saw what was on Plasma's back I instantly used thunderbolt on it. But before I could hit it, it jumped onto Lazuli.

She screamed as a black ooze spread over her body, attracting Flare and Leaf over from gardening. Crystal heard it as well, but she didn't think much of it. "What. Did. You. Do.", Leaf said as she rushed in! Then she screamed as she saw Lazuli, now fully covered in the ooze, trying to attack me. "I don't know! She was just attacked by something that looked like an anamorphism while we were investigating those two!", I said while pointing at the two mons on the floor. "But the berserkers are supposed to have disappeared from this world!", Flare exclaimed. "Yes, we are berserkers, and we will take hold of this world just like we are doing to our home world!", the thing that had taken over Lazuli hissed before jumping at Flare, infecting him as well. Neither me nor Leaf noticed the jolteon on the floor waking up and his body becoming halfway covered in the same goo that the other two were coated in.

"You will need my help to defeat my brothers", it said, startling us both. "Who are you?!", Leaf asked. "I am the first category six berserker, what your friends have become is category four", he said before turning his right arm into a blade and slashing Flare and Lazuli with it! They immediately fell to the ground, the infection receding from their bodies. We were too shocked to even move as Plasma fell to the ground as well, becoming the same form as I had seen when he fell out of the portal. "Explain", Leaf said when we both had mentally recovered. "You know, I think that making sure that Flare and Lazuli are okay is a better idea", I said before rushing over to the two fallen eeveelutions.  "Wait, they're okay?! Are we lucky or is it because of this new thing?", I asked no one in particular. "Leaf, do you really think I have any idea what just happened? No, I do not, all that I know is that those two newcomers fell from a random portal in the house!", I told her a little bit angrily. [have I butchered these characters yet? Wait till Black comes, I'm sure it will happen there if it hasn't already]

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