Chapter 5: The Battle

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*Plasma POV

"Well, if we're going to go on a journey, I guess we'll need some supplies", I said, after we'd walked away from the others."Yeah, that makes sense", Cycle confirmed. "I'll rummage around my room and see what I can find". I thought about my life while she looked around. I still can't stop thinking about what Cycle said on our walk,'I really, really, like'. Was she going to say me? The instant I thought that I started blushing. Okay, I guess I do have a crush on her then. Cycle came back in a few minutes later. "The only things that I found were two TMs for transform", she said. I got them at a fair that was here last year. For some reason, it is compatible  to me, even with all of this, that still doesn't make sense", she told me.

"Wait, those could actually useful! We could use them to infiltrate Team Sylver's base!", I exclaimed. "We could silently take out a few of the guards, and transform into them! That would give a time limit though. So, do we just sneak in, or do we use the TMs?", I asked. "Sneaking in would probably be a better idea, but when do we leave ", Cycle said. "Well, we have to let our injuries heal a little bit", I said. "So tomorrow?!", Cycle asked eagerly. "Wow, you really want to knock out a few mons, don't you?", I said. She nodded. "Okay then, tomorrow", I told her. "Can you stay with me tonight? I'm still kind of scared", Cycle asked, both of us knowing her true intentions. "I can sleep on the floor if you would like", I said. She nodded eagerly. "Alright then, good night", I said before falling asleep instantly.

The next morning

When I woke up, Cycle was poking me in the face. "Hey, what was that for!", I exclaimed as I sat up. "Because we need to go before the others get up or they'll try to stop us", she explained quickly before walking silently out the door. Once we both got outside, and ran a hundred feet, we were about to start flying, when I heard someone in the bushes. "Did you hear that?", I asked Cycle. "No", she said. "Come out, we know exactly why you're here", I said. "You want to come with us". "Ok, you got me, I want to help you two", Nightshade said as he crept out of the bushes. "It's the least I can do to make up for trying to drive you away from the house, Plasma", he told us. Me and Cycle both made up our minds instantly. "You can come, but only if you truly want to. Not just as apologies but your own decision", Cycle told him. "Considering that, will you come with us, or will you go back home?", I asked. "I will come with you; I don't care what happens as long as I help you!", Nightshade exclaimed. "But what if something happens to you? What about Echo? We can heal quickly but you can't heal very fast", Cycle said.

"I'm coming with you no matter how much you discourage me", Nightshade said. "The only thing is that you'll have to ride on my back because there hideout on an island near the sand continent", I said. "Wait, how do you know where Team Sylver's hideout is?", Nightshade asked. Both me and Cycle sighed. "Oh, I forgot", he said. "I'm still coming, though this will be a little bit awkward", he said. "There's nothing you can do about it, so get on", I said. Nightshade got onto my back and me and Cycle started flying. "Ahhhhhhhh!", Nightshade screamed in terror as we ascended. He then fainted. "Now that he's out, I'd like to ask you about Sylver", Cycle said. "What about her?", I asked, knowing what she was going to say. "Maybe about how she said that she is your mother", Cycle said. "Well yes she is, but she's also the reason my dad died", I said sadly. "You know, I'm just going to let you explain this", she said. "When I was eleven, Sylver was confronted by Eturnatus, since he knew that Sylver was the smartest scientist on the continent".

"He told her that she must create something to help him attain more power or else he would kill me and my siblings. I overheard her and my dad talking about it. She worked on something for a while before completing it. It was a device that would draw massive amounts of Dynamax energy to on Pokémon. But it didn't work as intended. After that Sylver was different. She didn't care about us as much as she did before and she was always absorbed in her work. It was on my thirteenth birthday when my dad died. He overheard Eturnatus saying that he would be the first test subject for their new experiment. My dad tried to take us and run after that, but they found us and incapacitated my father. Sylver then injected him with the earliest version of the serum that was used on us. His body began to change into a horrifying thing. He told us to run, and to leave him behind because he isn't going to make it out of this. So we ran and didn't see her again until I was captured", I said very sadly. 

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