Chapter 12

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And lunges towards Simon.

The vamp guy took Simon by his collar, and dragged him out of the room, and we of course followed them. Once out, he released Simon, and let us walk freely throughout outside our captivity. This new room is filled with golden stuff, even the couches are in this color. There's statues, lots of vases, all of it scattered around the room, looking old and well, expensive.

"So, how does this ends? Do we get out of here? Or what?" I ask the pale man. Crossing my arms over my chest, and raising one eyebrow, but keep pacing around the room.

"The answer to that is above my paygrade." He states, bored. "Paygrade? They... they pay vampires?" Simon mocks, disbelieving. "Let's just say, we invest early and often."

Steph bumps into one of the statues. The vamp rolls his eyes "Sit down." He orders us. But we make no move to heed his command, and all of us keeps walking around the room, inspecting our surroundings. "Why won't you sit? I really hate fidgeting." The batman tells us, annoyed.

"I'm just... uh... just looking." Steph says. "For a way out?" He quickly asks, with a raised eyebrow and mocking eyes, obviously aware of our intentions. "Oooh... there isn't one." He inhales sharply.

"I mean, all the, uh... the cool stuff you guys collect." Steph stutters, "Steal." Simon adds grabbing one vase on his hand, and looks inside, imitating horns noise, laughing afterwards. I stop my pacing, when I spot a knife in one of the tables. I look up, and the guy has his focus on Simon, this could be our only chance to escape, but if he's a vampire like I'm certain he is, this probably won't help, he probably can't be killed.

"Leonidas I has been trying to peddle that junk for years." The vamp explains to Simon, "Museums make you prive antiquities are legit these days." He adds. "Yeah, naturally." Simon answers, nervous. "It's not against the law to rob my own grave."

Steph notices what I've found, and motions with her eyes for me to try what I'm thinking of. I internally sigh and think 'Fuck, this won't work but, maybe I'm wrong.' I inhale deeply, and in a quick move, I grab the knife and throw at him, aiming on his heart. The knife penetrates right into his chest, but the only sound we hear from the guy is a chuckle, not even a wince. My eyes widens, first because of my stupidity and second cause I don't know how the hell I could throw a knife so well like that and Simon and Steph gasps, probably afraid of the vampire, which I understand cause I share the same feeling. "Oh my god." Simon mutters.

"I knew you would be entertaining." He chuckles at me, while taking the knife out of his chest. Not even a drop of blood coming out of it. "Honestly, I just got this jacket." He tells me, deadpanned.

"Well, you should thank me Batman, it's pretty tacky anyways. Besides, I had to try, you know?" I tell him, sassily, trying to mask my despair, and he grins at me. "Shut up, As." Steph scolds me. "There's no way out. You're a hostage, so accept it." He states to us.

"We're a hostage? That means you won't kill us, yeah?" Simon asks hopefully. "Won't kill you?" A woman voice queries, mockingly. "Who said that?" The woman makes her way towards us, she has black long wavy hair and is wearing a tight dress and heels, her lips is painted in a ruby red. "Raphael." She calls the batman while passing by him, but I prefer the nickname I gave him, being honest.

"Oh look. How sweet." She says, seductively glancing at Simon, and stops in front of him. "You're bleeding." The woman slides her finger on his forehead, and brings it to her tongue. I scrunch up my nose. That's disgusting. "I'm so looking forward to get to know you." She purrs.

»»————- Alec's POV ————-««

After our brief little discussion, we recognised that those vampires are Camille's, they're locals. And not only that, but we know where they live. They're at Hotel DuMort, down in Gansevoort Street. And after more of discussion, and more of that redhead girl blabbering, Jace convinced me that the Vamps broke the accords, they kidnapped not only one mundie, but two and a supposedly Shadowhunter.

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