Chapter 4

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The moment we step into the club, we are immediately surrounded by a mass of bodies. A loud music echoing throughout it. I start to feel a little claustrophobic, and if it wasn't for Clary's arms hooked on mine i would probably be swallow by the crowd. By now i'm certainty that i won't get any sleep when i'm back home. There's a bright blue light glowing throughout the entire club, so because of that i squint my eyes to try to get a better vision of my surroundings. Simon, Maureen and Steph decided to follow us into the club. So they are squeezing their way through the crowd right behind me and Clary. And yes, surprisingly, all of our fake IDs worked.

I spot the blonde guy making his way through the crowd as well, but no one seemed to notice his presence. Mine however, is another history, every time i pass by a group of people, at least one person would look my way. That makes me a bit nervous but again, it's another feeling i have to shrug off.

"I'm gonna go fail at getting us some birthday drinks" Simon shouts over the music to us.

"I'm gonna go fail with you" Steph and Maureen says in union. Maureen grabs Simon's hand and starts to drag him towards the bar. "Do you want some... Clary?!" He shouts. Steph starts following right behind them, but not before sending me a "be right back" look. I reassuringly nod at her.

I get Clary's attention and point to where "Jace" is. She shows me a pleased smile, and we start to make our way to him. But he's still in movement, seemingly to be following a woman in pink tight dress.
We see him going to the VIP area and the curtains closing right behind him. Clary looks at me with a puzzled face, and we clearly are thinking of what to do next. That's when i spot an random guy making his way to that area as well, so i hook my arms on his, and make a gesture to Clary do the same.

"Geez, somebody works out" I say trying to flirt with him, but i clearly suck at it, and i mentally facepalmed myself for my lack of experience in seduction.

"Cool contacts" Clary says to him, faking her amazed expression. But it seems to work, cause the guy smirks at us, and take us with him into the VIP area.

The moment we are inside, we let go of him, and at least, he doesn't seem to care, thank God. I look around the room, and see a girl with platinum blonde wig on, wearing a white dress, dancing over a platform. She takes her wig off, revealing her long wavy raven hair, and that's when i can recognize her. Is the girl i saw earlier with the ocean eyes guy at my work place. She keeps dancing seductively, while some guys gather around her, to watch. I trail my eyes to Jace, he's approaching from behind the girl in pink dress, and for some reason i can tune into their conversation, and hear what they are talking about.

"I hear you've been pedaling mundane blood." He says to her, seductively. What? Mundane blood?

"Why? Are you looking to score?" She asks him, using the same tone.

"I'm not." He turns her around to face him. "But you're gonna tell me who is" He states, seriously.

"Well, you're outnumbered here" She retorts, menacingly. I furrow my brows.

"Oh i like our odds." He says, confidently. "Last chance" He threatens her. And then, out of nowhere, he takes out what it seems like a shining sword, and my eyes widen, i open my mouth to warn her, but Clary is faster.

"Watch out!" Clary shouts warning, and pushing her out of his way, making the girl fall into a couch. But when she turns her head into our direction, her mouth is sprouting tentacles. What the f...

"Careful!" Jace pushes Clary back, making her stumble and fall, gliding across the floor. I run to help her out of the floor and see if she's alright.

I look back at the girl with an octopus in her mouth, or whatever that thing is, but she was already glaring at me. Her entire focus seeming to be only me. My heart starts to race and i feel shivers. I hurry Clary to get up, and when i look up again, the Squidward girl is racing towards us, but Jace swing his light saber kind of sword, and thrusts it into the creatures mouth, making her burn and vanish into the air. I didn't even notice, but i'm hyperventilating.

Me and Clary try to get out of the place, but before we can give any step further, something knocked into us, separating us. I gasp when i feel myself flying to the ground. I look around where i landed and my eyes falls to the raven haired girl fighting with a whip on her hands, killing the creatures, who looked like were trying to get to me, and some to Clary. My eyes widen, and i get up, struggling a bit, but still making sure of my surroundings. I look to the other side, behind me, and that's when i see him. The ocean eyes guy, Alec as i recall very well.

He's fighting with the weird creatures who are trying to get to me as well and i didn't even notice it. I look forward again, and see Jace helping Clary out of the floor. But another Squidward grab him from behind, making him drop his sword. I see other creature making his way towards Clary, so i run without even thinking and grab the sword of the floor, the moment i do, the blade starts to glow with a golden light, and i feel an energy running through me. I gasp with the sensation, but I'm out of my daze when i hear Clary's scream, the creature is cornering and almost biting her with its tentacles. So i run into action, and thrust the sword forward, into his back.

The Squidward grunts in pain before vanishing, and i am meet with Clary's frightened face and i know i'm looking back at her with the same expression. But before i get to say anything, her bulging eyes looks at something behind me.

"Look out!" She shouts to me, but before i can react, something grabs my arm, i feel a stinging sensation on it, but can't give mind to it since i'm falling hard into the ground and gliding to the other side of the room. My head hits something, and i grunt in pain, but at least i stopped sliding. I bring my hand to the back of my head and feel a little wet there, i look up slowly and my gaze is locked with horrific eyes, the creature advances to me, and i scream shutting my eyes, and waiting for the pain, but before it can do anything, the creature winces in agony, i slowly open my eyes, and see ashes burning into the air, where the creature was seconds ago. I sigh in relief.

I'm panting, still holding my head. I try to focus on the person that appears behind the ashes of the creature, and my eyes lock with ocean ones, with his eyes. He's standing with an bow without an arrow raised towards me, he's probably the reason why the creature vanished. He lowers his bow and hurry to me, he crouches besides me with a worried look on his face.

"H-hi" I stutter a little.

He grab a hold of my head, inspecting it, and i wince in pain. He release it right away and look at me apologetically. "You almost died, and the first thing you say to me, is hi?" He playfully smirks at me, but still looks slightly worried.

"Uhm... Hi, i almost died seconds ago to an evil version of Squidward" I jokingly say, trying to bring some humor into the conversation, cause that's me, even though i'm feeling pain in my entire body. He chuckles at me, feeling amused but slightly confused at the name i gave the creature. He looks down to my arm, and furrows his brows, seeming to notice something.

I try to look at my surroundings, searching for Clary, but when i do, i start to see everything around spinning and the floor starts to sway beneath me. I look at Alec's face, who's still inspecting my arm, with a slightly concerned face.

"Uhm... Alec?" After saying his name, i immediately get his attention back to my face. He looks at me, curiously, waiting for what i have to say. "I think i'm going to pass out" I state. His eyes widens a bit, but before he can say anything, i'm consumed by darkness.

»»————- Author's Note  ————-««
Chapter 4 is out, but don't worry, chapter 5 will be released later today!
But i loved this interaction with Alec. And wait... should we get some Alec POV in the next chapter?
Then, don't forget to VOTE!

Asteriel | Alec Lightwood Where stories live. Discover now