Chapter 2

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It's early afternoon, i just finished waitressing, and start to prepare myself for my performance at Sins. The setlist i chose for today's stage is a mix of popular songs, such as Anti Hero by Taylor Swift or Like Crazy by Jimin, but i also make sure to add some songs that i wrote myself.

Today the bar is crowded, so i already know that i won't get any sleep at night, plus i also feel uneasy with some stares i get. Don't get me wrong, i know if i'm going to be a singer, i'll have to get used to the stares, but those stares i'm talking about it's not the same as a person just enjoying a performance. No, some people stare at me, like they are looking into my soul. It's weird, but it happens with me often.

I try to clear my thoughts off it and to get rid of the tension in my body, and get up stage to start the performance.

"Hello Sins! I'm Aster and i'm going to be the singer of the afternoon to early evening, so if you have any requests of songs, please, just write it in a paper and give to Joe over there. Anyway i hope you enjoy the performance, LET'S GO!!!" And the melody of Anti Hero starts to resonate through the bar.

My perfomance is coming to an end, i'm sweating for all of the movements and dance steps i made throughout the stage. I seat in the piano for the last time today, i take a few sips of water in my bottle, and then i crack my knuckles which is a habit i have, take a deep breath, and start playing a song i wrote the first time i had the nightmare, the first time i dreamed about him.

"You will forever live in me, tell me our story isn't over. That beyond the universe, there's time for me to love you..."

»»————- Alec POV ————-««

I'm walking with long strides, making my way to the Sins bar, which is runned by a young warlock, Amir Ahmad, who we think can have some information about who is spreading the rumors about Valentine being alive, and also about the mundanes who were killed by demons recently, and had their blood drained. Isabelle is following right behind me.

When i open the doors and get inside, i barely can see much, the place is crowded, even though it's early evening. I deeply frown cause i really hate full places, especially places smelling too much of human fluids like here, i wrinkle my nose, but try to focus on my mission. I have to get to the back doors where i'll find Amir in his office, or whatever he calls there. But before i can start to move, my ears are filled with a melody, and a voice, a beautiful voice. I cock my head to the direction the sound is coming from.

"You will forever live in me, tell me our story isn't over. That beyond the universe, there's time for me to love you..." A velvet voice sings.

I start to lose my previous focus and all i can do is listen to this voice, so instead of my feet going towards the back doors, i start moving towards the source of this angelic voice.

"Alec? Alec, where are you going?" I hear Izzy say in the background, preoccupied, but i can't seem to halt my steps.

"I don't accept this as the end. Oh there must be another way, beyond the universe, many lights, years away" I make my way through the crowd and push some people out of my way, some of them curse at me, but i don't care about it, i just need to have a better vision. And i have.

"And i see you there." I finally have a clear view of the source of the angelic voice, and i'm stunned in place, my gaze is focused on her, the way she sings, the way her fingers move across the piano keys, the way she closes her eyes feeling the song and the way her honey light brown hair falls smoothly over her shoulders. The song starts to get higher and emotional, and i can feel my eyes moisten, which is something unusual to happen, but I'm interrupted by someone shaking my shoulders, i rapid blink, losing my focus on her and turn around to see Izzy making a questioning face to me.

Asteriel | Alec Lightwood Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant