35. Gossiping Friends

Start from the beginning

He doesn't remember what he says, only that he's rising one moment and the next is spent pressing a sweet - perhaps a little more possessive than he should have done - kiss to Isabella's lips. She holds him there for a second and the little sigh that passes her lips when she pulls away has his rage stumbling. It falters again when Isabella pulls back enough to rest her forehead against his.

"Azriel dropped off the books Rhys recommended." She murmured and he could feel that overwhelming crushing weight ease from his chest the longer he stared into her eyes. "But... I think there might be stuff for us to discuss– about fae courting culture." She toys nervously with her lips and Cassian finds himself gently pressing his thumb to her lower lip. Watching as her tongue dart out to touch the pad of his finger as he slowly drags it away from her teeth.

"I'll answer whatever questions you have." His voice is rough and low. A small part of him preens when Isabella's throat bobs at his touch. Her gentle shiver is a reminder that she feels the bond too.

She nods mutely, leaning up to press another soft kiss that has him practically floating with joy before Isabella titters over to Azriel. They embrace in such a warm and familiar hug that had any semblance of joy and happiness Cassian felt turning to fearful rage as he realises that Azriel could very well take Isabella away from him.



He wasn't stupid. He could see the rage slowly mounting in Cassian's eyes the longer Azriel spoke with Isabella. Originally it had been a little fuck you to the male. An opportunity to playfully toy with Cassian's new found protectiveness and rage. And if a small part of Azriel was relishing in talking with his mate, in having a peaceful moment with both Isabella and Cassian then who was he to complain.

Except he was very much complaining now that he and Cassian were walking away from the Mandray home in a tense silence.

Guilt began clawing at his chest, tightening against his lungs as the full weight of what he did to Isabella and Cassian's relationship hit him.

What the fuck had he been thinking. They were happy, or on their way to being. Isabella had just built up the confidence to leave her shit husband and he decided now was a good time to start flirting?

Azriel could feel his stomach churning. Stupid, so stupid of him. Getting caught up in the moment, the atmosphere and adrenaline of it all was such a ridiculous move.

Didn't change the fact that Isabella was happy with him.

But that's not the fucking point considering that Azriel could see Cassian about to lose his shit. The scent of rage and power crackled through the air, heightening Azriel's senses and instincts as Cassian slowly turned to him.

The wrath twisting his features brought out a vicious anger in Azriel. His instincts scream to dominate the challenge, to beat Cassian into a bloody pulp for not only threatening Azriel but for threatening Isabella.

But they were both threats to her at that moment. With tensions high and magic running free so when Cassian snarled to take them both to Illyria Azriel didn't hesitate to comply.

Cassian swung at him the second his shadows receded. He barely registered the pain before he was lunging at his brother. For minutes that could have been hours they were lost in the rage of the battle, fighting with fists and strength as they slammed each other into the muddy ground.

They were savage and Azriel revelled in it. He let the pain wash over him, cleansing him of his sins as Cassian turned into a punching bag. It was only guilt and self hatred that had him pulling punches, even when Cassian broke his ribs with kicks.

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