40. Prythian

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・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・ Prythian ・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・


Oliver wouldn't be joining her on the first visit. Isabella had discussed it with Cassian when they had gone through the plan on their last visit. He had understood she needed to see Prythian herself, needed to keep that degree of separation to ensure that it was safe for her child before bringing him there.

Even though he had shown her Velaris that night, through the power of an orb. It had been like she was flying, it was exhilarating and she understood why Cassian loved it so much in that moment. She had only seen a glimpse of the city from above but the warm lights and the bustling music was enough to convince her it would be a good place. A completely different one to the world she knows.

Cassian had seemed excited by her approval and promised to take her flying over the river one day. She had blanched and giggled, waving off the idea but part of her was excited by the idea. By the freedom of it all.

The Queens had apparently replied and had visited this morning. Isabella had been invited but Oliver had been extra clinging this morning. Part of her thought it might have been because of last night, that he had understood what his grandfather had been saying. Or maybe he had just picked up on her nervous energy.

Either way there had been tears and Isabella wasn't ashamed to admit they had mostly been hers when she walked away from her wailing son. She should have just brought him to Nesta, and asked her to look after him for the day. But things were tense with Elain and she suspected that her sister's staff were gossipers. Even if they would be gone for the length of the meeting she knew Elain would keep on at least one maid to look after Oliver.

So here she sat in the anti library waiting for Cassian and Feyre to finish talking with their family, no doubt debriefing the meeting. Nesta was keeping her distracted while they waited for the others to join.

From what Nesta says of the meeting it was both wildly unsuccessful yet they got the book. It seemed their apparent sacrifice – not that Isabella understood why sharing a city of magnificent culture was a sacrifice – had been unnecessary. It had simply been a power play by the queens, an opportunity to find out more information. One queen, the golden, had seemed moved by Isabella and Oliver's pitiful tale and as a result had smuggled out 'the book'.

Isabella couldn't lie and say she cared at this moment about a mystical magical book. But it was important to Feyre and it was important to Cassian so she nodded along at the right moments.

"You're sure about this then." Nes murmurs, eyes bright with worry. "You're really going to go to Prythian."

"Yes." Isabella feels a nervous smile tug at her lips. "If the visit goes well that is."

"And if it doesn't?"

"Then I'll think of something else." She murmurs, praying that wouldn't be the case. "We can't stay here, Ollie and I."

"I know." She murmurs, and Isabella sighs at the silver lining her twin's eyes. "Just swear to me that this decision isn't about the male."

"You know it's about Oliver." She whispers, leaning forward to grip Nesta's hands. "He needs to be somewhere safe, a place he can be himself."

Nesta nods, "But you have chosen the Night Court."

"I thought you wanted me to be close to Feyre." Isabella jests, forcing a smile as she thinks about all the moments she will lose with her twin. "With people who could be a support network."

"Isa-" She whispers, eyes pleading for the truth.

"I think I could love him, Nes." the words were said with a tentative smile though Nesta closed her eyes with a soft sigh. "Please say something."

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