Chapter 52: Two become one

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The next few weeks were uneventful. The first exams and papers were due for Sarah and Kathi. Leonie was not spared either, and just before the upcoming math test, she visited Sarah three times a week the two weeks before. Sarah noticed each time anew that Leonie seemed to have few problems with the tasks. Everything she gave her, Leonie solved without problems and for many tasks Sarah took her calculator to help her out of laziness. Sarah was convinced that Leonie didn't really need her help anymore and suggested to her that the result of the math test would depend on whether they continued the tutoring, but agreed to be available for new topics, of course. Tom, as Sarah had feared, had of course come to her level. Most of the time she avoided him and did not give him a glance. Which worked well most of the time. The few moments in which they ran into each other somewhere, were limited.

Kathi had become really good friends with Kristin and met with her several times. Sandra and Svenja often dropped by Sarah's or met in town, though Sandra of course often enough dropped off to spend time with Kathi. Helen had met with Stefan almost every day. Sometimes at his place, sometimes at Sarah and Kathi's home. In the meantime Helen had also had the opportunity to meet Leonie and Tom. The three got along amazingly well. It wasn't long until the next vacations and Sarah was already looking forward to having peace and quiet again.

"Why are you so happy again?" asked Kathi while she walked down the street with Sarah.

"Not long now and we'll have vacations again." beamed Sarah.

"True, now that you mention it." Kathi mused.

"Oh come on now, don't tell me you're not excited," Sarah said.

"It's only two weeks. Do you have anything planned?" asked Kathi.

"Not really. Maybe we'll take a vacation, we'll just have to ask if mom can take a vacation." Sarah explained.

"I don't think so. I think most of the vacation went in the summer because of the trial and the death." replied Kathi.

"Maybe, but it doesn't cost anything to ask." said Sarah.

The two followed the road for a while until they arrived home. Helen was already waiting for them at the front door.

"Do you think something happened again?" asked Kathi when she saw Helen.

"I don't know. Did you do something wrong?" asked Sarah.

"Not that I know of. Have you?" replied Kathi.

"No I haven't done anything either." replied Sarah.

Helen had noticed the two by now and waved.

"Well, let's be surprised." said Sarah and walked the last bit home with Kathi.

"Hello you two. How was your day?" Helen asked them when they arrived at the front door.

"Good." they both replied. "What are you doing out here? Are you waiting for us?" she continued to ask.

"Yes, I was waiting for you. Come in I need to talk to you very urgently." she said kindly.

"Doesn't sound good." whispered Kathi.

"I know." whispered Sarah back.

"Are you coming?" asked Helen impatiently and Sarah and Kathi started to move. In the kitchen, they both put their bags on the bench as usual and sat down.

"What's going on? Who of did what?" asked Sarah.

"No one did anything Sarah." replied Helen.

"Then why are you waiting for us outside?" asked Kathi.

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