Chapter 30: The missing piece of the puzzle

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Sarah had left the bathroom in the meantime and gone back to her room. She was still annoyed that she had messed up her last pair of sweatpants yesterday because of her accident. She remembered that her dad was coming over today. Just a bodysuit and diapers definitely wouldn't have been a good idea, she realized, somewhat dejectedly. She opened her closet and looked at what else it had to offer. In addition to what felt like a plethora of t-shirts and jeans, she had a few dresses in her closet. Actually, most of the clothes were too fancy to wear just like that. Her eyes fell on her gym clothes. A pair of shorts and a top would do for today, she thought to herself. Going out would be out of the question today anyway, it was Sunday after all and everything was closed and she didn't feel like going to a cafe today and didn't know if she would even get the chance, her mother hadn't even said when her father was coming over. Sarah sighed. That could be something later, she thought to herself. Actually, she got along well with her father. According to her mother, he was a workoholic, and that had ended their marriage. Her mother was simply tired of playing second fiddle, despite all her understanding and love. Sarah had actually not noticed much of it. She didn't know it any other way. Her father was rarely at home and when he was, then usually only briefly and at times when Sarah was already in bed. At the same time, she also remembered nice experiences they had had as a threesome. Most of the time it was some kind of vacation, during which her father, as she had to realize afterwards, was actually working in some way. She had also noticed that her parents had often argued about her father working too much and thus neglecting the family, and that this could not be a permanent state.

"You guys aren't doing badly, are you?" he usually had ready in response.

"Materially maybe not, but don't you think you should also spend some time with your daughter. She doesn't just need her mother, you should realize that, right?" her mother said.

"Did she say anything like that? She doesn't seem to be doing badly after all. If I'm looking at this correctly, she doesn't seem to have suffered any damage from my absence, does she?"

"Not yet who knows if that won't come. That's all, but definitely not a family life we have here." countered Sarah's mother

"What are you trying to tell me?" asked her father.

"Since you're not around most of the time anyway, and we're apparently not important enough to you, maybe we should go our separate ways. It won't do any good in the long run that way." explained her mother.

"Is this the thanks I get for busting my ass for my family?" he asked angrily.

"Karl, money is not everything. Yes we lack nothing materially, but I miss the man by my side. Do you actually realize how much you are missing from my life and how much of it we should do together? And think about how much you are missing from your daughter's life. I just don't feel like it anymore," she said with tears in her eyes.

Sarah couldn't see the tears at the time and couldn't quite place it. The next day she had explained to her parents in a child-friendly way what had happened the night before. That it had nothing to do with the fact that they did not love each other or the same, just that her parents did not want this kind of life anymore. Sarah did not understand what was so bad about it. As I said, she didn't know it any other way. Somehow it made her sad that her parents would go their separate ways in the future. Many things from this time, however, had not remained strangely in her memory. Actually strangely as she had to state, otherwise her memory was like a sponge, which constantly filled itself up, but here, here that did not want to function somehow. Sarah suppressed further thought of it and rather devoted herself to getting dressed. It was definitely time for a coffee and a cigarette. Not even five minutes later she left her room and continued her way towards the kitchen.

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