Chapter 8: Spirit Root Knowledge

Start from the beginning

"Father how long would it-" Asked Elif to Marcus but was cut off in the middle of speaking.

"The answer would be one-hundred ninety-two point three." Said Marcus, interrupting Elif from finishing his question.

Turning away from my father, I focus back on grandfather and say the same answer father gave me.

"one-hundred ninety-two point three units of Qi." Answered Elif with enthusiasm.

"Although you had some help, you're correct. Now, if we were to compare a high Mortal spirit root, it would be thirty percent stronger than a middle spirit root, allowing it to absorb one point sixty-nine units of Qi." Replied Tyler while filling his cup back up with tea.

"So when it comes to spirit roots, every minor rank has a thirty percent increase in strength than the one before it; I understand that now, but what about when it transitions over to one of a higher rank, like a high Mortal to a low Earth? The difference shouldn't still be thirty percent, right?" Asked Elif with a thoughtful expression.

"With how quickly you pick up on things, I'm not surprised you're correct. Yes, the difference between each major rank isn't just a thirty percent increase; if it were, then there would be no major ranks, but the difference between a high Mortal and a low Earth is that a low Earth is twice as powerful as a high Mortal." Answered Tyler.

Hearing grandfather's answer surprised me, as it didn't sound that good; I mean, with how shocked everyone seemed at the fact that I had a high Immortal spirit root, I figured the difference between each rank would be more significant than that.

"Does that mean the difference between each major rank is twice as powerful? Because if so, then doesn't that mean that my Immortal rank spirit isn't as good as everyone made it out to be?" Asked Elif with slight disappointment.

When I asked my question to grandfather, I expected that he was going to correct my thinking or tell me some information that I was missing about spirit roots, but what I didn't expect was for grandfather to suddenly spit out the tea he was drinking and if it weren't for mother putting her hand in front of us and somehow causing all the tea that would've landed on us to stop in mid-air and float there, well we would've been covered in tea.

"Woah, that's cool, mother; I didn't know you could also do that; I thought you could only teleport people." Said Elif with awe apparent in his voice.

"But of course, dear, how could I not do something as simple as that? You, on the other hand, I must say ignorance is bliss." Replied Maria with pride in her voice before she shook her head while looking at Elif on her lap in exhaustion.

I was shocked at how mother called doing something like that so easily, and also excited at one day being able to do the same thing, but I was confused about what she meant by 'Ignorance is bliss'.

"What do you mean, mother?" Asked Elif while looking up at Maria, but Tyler answered his question before she could open her mouth.

"Haa, my goodness, sometimes I forget you're still a child with how intelligent you can be at times. Elif, what she means by 'Ignorance is bliss' is that sometimes it's better not knowing something." Replied Tyler, rubbing his forehead in exhaustion, while Tiana, sitting right next to him, chuckled.

Even though I now understand what mother means, I still don't understand how not knowing about my spirit root is a good thing.

"Allow me to answer your earlier question, dear, as it seems you're still confused." Said Tiana.

"You see, dear, the reason why Tyler had such a strong reaction to your question is how much you were undermining your spirit root's power. Since you already know it will take two-hundred fifty days for a person with a low Mortal spirit root to advance in cultivation, someone with a high Immortal spirit root, such as you, are capable of absorbing two-thousand five-hundred and three point seven units of Qi, which means it would only take you two point four hours to advance in cultivation." Replied Tiana, smiling while looking at the now-shocked Elif.

"Awesome! That means I would be able to advance in cultivation ten times in a single day, while it would take someone with the worst spirit root two-hundred fifty days!" Stated Elif in amazement and excitement.

"Now that you understand how powerful your spirit root is, I think we should hurry along to testing his physique." Uttered Marcus, who had been silent for a while as he was taking care of a napping Elaine

Hearing the mention of physiques coming from my father's mouth took me aback as I thought the only talent that mattered in cultivation was the spirit root.

"What's this physique you're talking about, father?" Asked Elif.

"Something unique and different from a Spirit Root." Replied Marcus in a mysterious tone.

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