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Sunday, October 13th, 1996

Dhakirah's P.O.V.

My friends and I all called in sick for work today because we didn't feel like showing up, and since we had nothing else to do, we decided to go for a tour of the city.

Well, what was supposed to be a fun little outing turned into me and Caroline running Tanya's errands for her. We went to a beauty supply store on Thomas Street to buy her a bottle of green hair dye, and said dye stained her hands. So then Caroline and I had to help her get it off.

Just when this day couldn't get any worse, Tanya informed us that she had an 'urgent' meeting down in Cork. When she mentioned that we didn't have to go with her, I was over the moon with joy, but not Caroline. She didn't think it was safe for Tanya to go explore this unfamiliar country alone, so they left together. Being away from all of my two friends has made me realize something:

I'm a massive loser.

If only Trevor was here with me...that's it! I can call Trevor! Thank the heavens for modern technology. "Hey, I hope I didn't call you at a bad time. Are you busy right now?"

"I'm just at my apartment with my sister Francine. Do you need help with anything?"

"Caroline and Tanya aren't in the city at the moment and I was hoping we could, y'know, hangout together. But if you're already doing something with your sister, we can hangout together some other time."

I would rather be alone with him, though it's already rude enough of me to interrupt his plans. "I'll always make time for you, Kirah. I'm glad you called, I was hoping to hear your voice today. And don't worry about my sister, she doesn't mind." I smile shyly at his words.

"Oh! Um, thank you. You're too kind, really. So, uh, is that a 'yes'?"

"Of course, we'll be there in about ten minutes."

"I'll see you later then. Bye, sweetheart." I don't catch what I said until after I hang up. Sweetheart. Sweetheart. I just called him sweetheart. I hope he didn't notice.

Not only am I a loser, I'm also an idiot.


Trevor's sister looks a lot like him, if you ignore their contrasting, well, everything. I'm assuming she's the twin sister. Francine's slightly taller than her brother and her short black hair is just as curly. Her monolid eyes are a deep shade of brown and her face is littered with freckles. The longer I look at them the more similar they seem, only Trevor's hair is dirty blonde and his double-lided eyes are a nice shade of sky blue.

I remember him telling me that he's from a family of six children. I wonder what the other four look like, since his twin is completely opposite.

I let them inside my flat and lock the front door behind them. "C-Can I, uh, get you something to drink?" Having to host my own guests was one of the things about adulthood that I looked forward to the least when I was a kid.

"Don't worry about it, I'm grand — by the way, if Teddy hasn't already told you about me, I'm his twin sister Francine! Also, you're deadly pretty, I love your hair!" She appears to be a very excitable person, kinda like her twin. Before I get to thank her for the compliment, she starts talking again, this time to her brother. "You really are just like Grandad. Same taste in women and everything."

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