Chapter 5

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Point of View: Myeon Jin

We arrived at the restaurant that Minho had sent us to. Everyone is getting off the van, and Jinju stands outside the van with her mask and cap. Her hair was pulled up under the cap, making her look more like a female version of Minho.

"Jinju, let's get in before the fans recognize that we are here." Dal Rae ushered us in and went directly to our reserved room.

"This place is nicer than before." Seonhwa said this while taking a seat. "Jinju, what do you want to eat? There's a lot on the menu."

"I can eat anything except seafood; I have an allergy," Jinju said.

I noticed she did not take off her jacket when we got in.

"Jinju, why don't you take off your jacket?" I asked her.

"The room is too cold for me; my cold allergy may surface if I take off my jacket." She smiled.

"Wow, you have tons of allergies." Dal Rae mentioned.

A little later, we are all having dinner together. They were all talking about different topics, while Minho and Jinju were also having a conversation.

"I'm going to leave first; I'm exhausted from our schedule today." They all looked at me.

"Really? Hyung, we just got here, and we don't have a schedule for early morning," Dal Rae said.

"I'm going back to Seoul tonight." They looked confused.

"Yah Hyung, our house is nearby; why bother going back to Seoul?" Dal Rae couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"I want to be alone; that's why. I'll see you at the studio tomorrow." I got up and went out of the room. Minho followed me out.

"Myeon Jin, if it's about Jinju, don't worry about it."

"Minho, it's not always about someone, okay? I really just wanted to be alone."

"It's because she couldn't remember you, right?"

He just hit the spot. I'm ready to snap at him when he speaks again.

"She can't remember what happened a year ago, Myeon Jin; it's enough she remembered meeting you. I have a favor to ask from you."

"What?" I'm confused by Minho's words.

"Please don't ask her to remember anything from that year; don't even bring it up. She's been through a lot, and I just got her back."

"What, she's your girlfriend now? I thought you just met her."

"She's my cousin."

I couldn't believe what Minho just said. Jinju is her cousin.

"What?! You never mentioned it before."

"I'm trying to protect her, that's all."

"Fine, I'll see you at the studio tomorrow." I left him alone. Minho dropped a bomb in front of me, and I couldn't believe it at all.

I hailed a taxi to Seoul and went straight to my apartment. I haven't recovered yet from what Minho said.

Likewise, I have never seen Minho protect someone the way he protects her. I need to know what they were hiding from that year. Minho would never be this protective if it wasn't something important. I know I'm crossing some boundaries here, but I need to know what's going on.

I can't even think straight. Minho's words kept repeating non-stop in my head.

I sat on my sofa long enough to notice an unknown number sending me a message.

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