Jimin: “Well we are not naïve, we can see. Don’t you have any other lines?”
Jungkook glared at him.

Jungkook: “JIMIN-SSI!”

Suga: “Just don’t disturb the peace of my mind, please”
He stated and rolled his eyes, looking fondly at TaeTae.

Jin: “Look the cold person is so whipped for that fluff ball!”
Jin teased.

Namjoon: “Ah~ Can’t we just arrange the table?”
Namjoon beamed.

Jin: “Not we, you would be sitting there on the couch silently! I won’t tolerate the destruction”
Namjoon whined.

Jin: “Don’t whine or you would starve today and Jungkook would eat your part of food too, right Kook?”
Jungkook smiled bashfully and nodded.

Namjoon: “No! I’ll sit there quietly, just don’t make me starve.”

Jin: “Good for you, I’ll keep the food on the counter and we’ll eat it later.. uh.. is it okay y/n?”
I startled and looked at him.

Y/n: “Y-yeah..”
I muttered softly with a smile.

TaeTae:  “Y/n-iee knows them?”
He turned at me, I parted my lips but Jimin interrupted.

Jimin: “Yes, TaeTae.. We are y/n’s friends so TaeTae is also our friend right?”
He smiled, but TaeTae whimpered and hid behind my back.

Jimin frowned.

Jhope: “See I told you Jimin, you look scary!”
Jhope spoke with gasp. Jimin glared at him

Jimin: “Wait! What the—”

Y/n: “U-uh maybe he’s freaking out in the crowd, he doesn’t know you so..”

Jin: “He does know but he doesn’t remember”
Jin yelled through the kitchen.

TaeTae: “S-scawy..”
He muttered underneath his breath.

Y/n: “No baby? They aren’t scary.. they are good people, just like y/n-iee okay?”
He blinked his eyes frowning cutely.

TaeTae: “Weally?”

Y/n: “You trust me?”
He nodded, making me smile a bit.

Y/n: “Then go ahead and be a good boy”
He bit on his lip and nodded, he looked over Jimin who instantly smiled. He walked over to him.

TaeTae: “Me is TeTe a-and a goo boy!”
Suga squealed, and everyone looked at him as if they saw ghost. I giggled.

Suga: “What? I just yawned okay?”

Namjoon: “Whom are you fooling hyung?”
He spoke out looking over the couch.

Jimin: “Shh! Let me introduce myself, Hello TaeTae, I’m Jimin”

Jungkook: “I’m Jungkook, Hi TaeTae”
He flashed his bunny smile.

TaeTae: “Bunny!”
He muttered, with his big eyes staring curiously at the big bunny, that was smiling widely.

Jhope: “And I’m your hope, your my hope, I’m Jhope!”
He gave his shining smile. TaeTae slightly smiled.

Suga: “My softie, I’m Suga”
He spoke out with a soft smile, which was the rarest sight of cold Suga.

Namjoon: “I’m Namjoon! Hi TaeTae!”

Jin: “And Me Jin! Worldwide handsome you know!”
TaeTae thought for a while.

TaeTae: “Minnie, Bunny, Sunie, Kitty..”
He stopped, the 4 said males almost had a heart attack at the nicknames.

TaeTae: “Joonie and Jinnie!”
He completed and giggled loudly.

His Multiple Personality DisorderWhere stories live. Discover now