The time I hate most is breakfast sure the food is good. Sort of. But the people are not. I hate dinner time as well. These times are the only times where everyone is together. Everyone except the leader and human guards they eat earlier but they are there at dinner. Everyone together can be a disaster. I honestly hate it so much. Even more now that the soldiers are here. Well, all the soldiers except Aiden. I made a habit for myself to always come to breakfast late. If I come late, I won't have to deal with the staff or well the cooks. They are mean. Especially to me. Nick knows my tactics, so he always grabs my food as well and places it across from himself or hands it to me when we meet in the room. Not today though. Turns out he had a meeting with Jason early on and another guard grabbed his breakfast for him. I had to brave the cooks. Well, I thought. The young mind reader passed me my plate and walked off before I could thank her. No one other than Nick has done that for me. So, I start my walk to the guard's table. But I stopped suddenly. Aiden caught my eye. I knew I had a choice to make. Sit with Nick or Aiden. Sit with the guards or soldiers. Sit with the people who were the only ones to accept me or sit with the soldiers in which I feared like everyone else. I choose to sit with Nick I always do. I didn't want to change things because the guards welcomed me with open arms. I would feel like I betrayed them otherwise. I placed my plate opposite to Nick and was about to sit down when I realised Aiden had got up. Following him were the other soldiers. He took a seat next to me and the other soldiers moved their table next to ours. This has never happened. It was unheard of. Even if two people from different tables were dating no one ever moved next to them. But here we are. Aiden nudged me in the side.

"What was that for?" I whispered.

"For not coming to sit next to me." Aiden whispered back.

I didn't respond. I didn't know how to. Nick looked at me questionably and smiled knowingly. Everyone was looking. I could feel their eyes burning the back of my head. They blamed me for a lot of things. How dare I break the system. I wasn't the problem. The system they built is. They themselves built a system of division. And Aiden broke it. Easily. The soldiers didn't know the system, or the rules made up by each group to leave us broken and weaker. Maybe it was a good thing he broke it. Bringing people together is what makes us stronger. I might not like the soldiers, but I like Aiden and because of that I'm willing to give them a chance. Find my judgement after I get to know them. Who knows they might be good people at heart. Getting to know Aiden has given me a new light on things. No one is whom they seem to be. The stereotypes aren't necessarily correct and can be rather discriminative. But there could be similarities. We are told who a person is based on the category they fall into, but they don't necessarily define someone. It may give guidelines, but it isn't necessarily correct. I'm willing to throw everything I know about soldiers out the door for Aiden. Because to me he doesn't match the system. I know he can be dangerous but we all can. He has a side to him that I don't really know yet. That side I'm going to make sure I get to know. I want to know everything about him. From the bad to the good. From the dark to the light. It's strange really. I never knew I could be so invested into someone like the way I am with Aiden. All I know is that whatever happens he'll always be there for me and I for him.

The only time we are separated from our groups is when we have classes. Now they aren't actually classes with teachers and stuff and how you sort of get to choose what you learn. Our classes are more about things you'll actually need in life. And knowledge. You learn about different things at different ages some are the same as training. But training also expands to your level of training and so on. Nick is in all my groups or classes. We often call them groups because instead of dividing us they are trying to accomplish teamwork. We are all fighting for the same cause. Turns out Aiden is also in every group of mine as well. Which a part of me is grateful for. First group is history. I don't mind history of course because I get to learn new things or look from different perspectives. But the only thing that annoys me is how some pure humans fabricate the past. All our groups have a pure human running it. But our history isn't fabricated for people like us who are different wrote their stories. Both past and present educate us on what they know. The stories the pure human reads or tells us about unless the person who wrote it is still alive. Some are some aren't but either way it's interesting to learn their perspective on life. Cato a male mind reader wrote a book about what people think both sane and insane. Creating a different perspective given that no pure human can access. As we arrive, I sit in our usual seat right up the back of the room. Nick on one side of me and Aiden on the other. The tables conjoined in rows to make us sit or be around everyone one in our group. Two of each. But there is only one of me. I look over at the curly red headed male who's in the nerds group look puzzled that the seat where he usually sits is taken. He's very annoying. Follows me around and won't leave me alone during these group sessions. Another reason I'm grateful for Aiden being in my groups. He instead finds another seat next to one of his friends I assume. The history pure human walking in. We often call him History. Mr History sometimes depending on the mood of others. He refers to us as our number or group we are in. He can't refer to me as anything for I have no number or group. So, he refers to me as Nova. So do the others. It's easier. Everyone one here has a connection or well a group they belong to. I don't. I do often feel alone. No one who understands me. Not fully anyway. Well, no one except my demons. I do often forget about them when they are quiet and not around me in human form.

You make me feel specialOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora