I jump awake sound of yelling and so does my wolf friend, who I don't know his name i fell asleep on him and I don't know his name. I look around and see light coming from the direction of where I think I ran from, "REGINA! MY ROSE WHERE ARE YOU?!" The voice of my father and Knight Galen. I look to my wolf friend "you have to go before they are here; I don't want them to hurt you." he nods he runs away and turns looking at me one last time his eyes....the most captivating ice blue then he leaves from view. I run to the light "Daddy! DADDY!" I run as fast as my little legs carried me, I see them armored up with horses. my father jumps from his horse and runs pulling me into a hug as we hear a symphony of howls, good my friend made it to his home. "King we should hurry home before we have unwanted visitors." Knight Galen stated with a deep raspy voice, my father nods putting me on his horse then pulling himself up. "Oh, that's just my friend letting me know he's home safe." I smile brightly my father looks down at me. "Your friend? the wolves....werewolves. Have you been listening to Teacher Oris lessons? I guess we will have him redo that one." "I have he was nice, and we talked, he protected me from a vampire and kept me safe till I heard you." "Daughter my little rose, werewolves don't talk." I feel his hands clammy as they hold mine on the rein peeking my head up at him, he looks to Knight Galen with worry creeping upon his face. We trotted in silence an uneasy silence.

It was the morning I get up and do my usual thing as my father, Nan, and Teacher Oris walk in. "Hello Princess." Nan and Teacher Oris bow I curtsy, my father steps forward "you are to never leave the walls of this kingdom ever again you hear me my little rose?" his tone serious more than I've ever heard, I tilt my head. "Why?" "Because I'm the king and your father, I forbid you." I ting of anger in his voice I nod silently, I know I could have been hurt but I can't even go to see Veris. He walks away after kissing my forehead. All I know is I have to see that wolf again; I feel almost cold not in his presents he was so warm and nice it was like my head and heart knew him before I did. Teacher Oris and Nan nod "we will wait for you in the study Princess." Nan smiles lightly as they leave, I get dressed and start my day of learning. I can't listen in class Teacher Oris keeps clearing his throat to get my attention, I just can't focus. All I see is the wolf its weird I mentally can't get him out my head, and we are actually learning something interesting! Something about the Elementals of the world people of water, fire, air, ice, or earth and how it came to be, but I couldn't bother with it today. I love learning it keeps me busy so I don't have to miss my parents also so I can be the best queen for our kingdom. "Miss Regina! listen to me!" Oris slams a book on my table I jump and whimper, he sighs in frustration. "Open to page thirty-seven. Since you won't listen, we will learn more about what you're thinking about. Your werewolf friend and the dangers." i do as he asks as the page comes into view there's a picture, a werewolf howling with blood-stained fur and teeth bandaged arms and legs and long hair. Tall on two paws standing lanky and all white, I don't understand what this is. He didn't look like this at all! "Now, Regina this is a werewolf in its purest yet most corrupted form." Nan walks over to Teacher Orin "Dear the king said not to-" "Not now Imelda (I-meld-a) i know what the king said, the princess and future Queen deserves to know-" the door opens Knight Galen appears. "Oris I'll pretend this one time I didn't see this. You've been a good friend for a long time, please don't do this again. The king wants you Oris." Galen leads Oris away I look more at this picture, as I read the words 'If they lose their mate or don't connect with them by the age of maturity (presumed to be 25) they lose control of the wolf inside. This beast is a force of anything beyond most of our knowledge, you don't want to be caught in range of this beast.' Was I his mate? What did this mean? Nan closes the book putting it away, she stands before me. "don't speak of this ok Regina?" I nod "am I his-" "I said ever." she leads me to the kitchen, and we baked cookies for the knights.

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