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This is the last chapter of the short story. The end of my Zoey and Taylor saga 🥹🥲. I can't wait to release some of the new books with new characters I have written up 😏. But first, Check out the new and improved Promise I Can Change Your Mind available NOW on Amazon prime!! Next up is Teenage Fantasy!

Enjoy! Don't forget to blow up my comments ❤️.

   "I'm fucking mad bro.... Heatteeeddd! Zoe has me fucked up. I blocked her..." I called Hazel. It was the next day and I finally calmed down. Even then, I was pacing in my living room getting mad all over again as I talked. "and it might seem like I was doing too much.. but you just don't understandddd.. all I wanted was for her to do fucking right. That's it. I've wanted this bitch for years!!!! Years bruh. I been letting her bitch me for years... thinking all she needed to do was get it out of her system... and the FUCKED up part? I believed her this time.. all those other times I was prepared for Zoe to break my heart eventually... this time? Shit happened out of nowhere."

I wouldn't let Hazel get a word in. I could hear her start to speak but I just kept talking.

"Man she had to go... I knew as soon as I saw the messages I was like nah.. if she stay here imma strangle her. Imma really catch a fucking charge. Hazel you don't understand.... It was so hard not to put my hands on her for real."

"Damn.. that's wild bro... I'm sorry, I believed her too.. the way she talked about you, it just seemed so real... bruh stop begging for a bottle if you gonna spit out the milk!"

I made a face before realizing she was fussing at Dior.

I ain't gonna lie, even though she was talking to the baby the message still hit me.. stop begging for something that you already know how it taste if you know you don't want it. I guess that applies to my relationship with Zoe. I know what imma get... she shows me over and over again and I hate it... but when she leave I'm crying wanting her back.

"I'm just over this shit.... Fuck it, imma just be single forever." I mumbled plopping down on my couch.

"Come on.. don't say that. I see you being with somebody. You got money, you look good, you stay in the gym.. she coming bruh.. I hate to say but... it just might not be my bro Zoe. Honestly she hasn't been talking to me... I'm just finding all this shit out from you.. but I don't know, part of me hope this just a miscommunication.. cause I know for a fact she care about you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Aight.. I gotta go." I huffed.

For once it was true. I needed to prepare for this fight. I might have money... but with this W, I'll have more. Shittt, I like the sound of damn near 4 bands.

I wanna win. I found the bitch on Twitter and she been talking shit.. I'm like damn, I don't even know the girl for real but, if she wanna have real problems we can do that.. I need a punching bag right now anyway.

My mom been hitting me up today but I've been ignoring her. She probably tryna come over and I'm still mad about how she acted last time we talked. If she knew I was fighting tonight she'd side with Zoe and tell me I shouldn't.

I don't need anybody telling me what to do. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being adult, level headed, reasonable Taylor. I can feel teenage Taylor coming out.. the anger, the betrayal. I can't wait to fight.

"Ayeeeee, there she is!" Eb said coming up to me as I entered my room to set up.

"Wassup?" I nodded.

"Ah shit..." She said looking at me closely. "You got that look in your eye again... that same look that you had before you almost broke Stone Ages arm.."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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