ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙

Start from the beginning

You got up the wooden stairs, pushing against the hatch but the boxes you heard earlier moving upstairs were apparently to prevent you from escaping with ease by just hehe open door, leave.
So he is not totally dumb afterall.
Locking the hatch is too hard though, he cannot think that far yet.

But you're not dumb either. All this time of working out in your free time will finally pay off.

You use your shoulder and ram into the hatch as hard as you can, slowly moving the box out of the way of the hatch. As one shoulder gets tired you use the other one until finally, the sweet, sweet exit opens.

You peek your head out, checking if the coast is clear and it seems like it.
You got out of the musty basement, closing the hatch and sliding the box back over it just because. Maybe they will think that you're still down there.

As you left the closet you took a look around the house, seeing that it is indeed completely empty. Not a single noise except for some clock ticking.

You made your way to the nearest window, which happens to be in the same room as you, touching it and inspecting it if it's not some sort of a cruel trick.
Of course it's not. It's just a window.

It seems to be locked but it's nothing that could stop a handy hammer.
You might actually go back downstairs just to get a hammer...
Fuck it.
You came in through a window you might as well leave through one as well.

You return to the closet, pulling the box away again and going in. You quickly look around for the desired tool — excitement in you rising and rising and so does your heartbeat.

What you found was the sledgehammer that Sangwoo threw onto Jieun when she was trying to escape... May she rest in peace.

You took it, your frustration growing a bit as you think about the poor girl. She truly didn't deserve any of this. She did nothing wrong. Maybe. You don't really know her so...

You walked back upstairs, doing the whole box thing again and returning to the oh so beautiful window.

This is it.

Freedom right behind this glass.

Just one swing away.

You got into a stance, putting up the quite heavy sledgehammer.

You could practically smell the fresh air already. You could hear officer Park's voice. You could feel Seungbae's embrace.

In that moment you turned around, looking at the room one last time.
Finally you'll be free...
It feels strange.

You couldn't help but to tear up.
You've been locked in here for so long disregarding the mandatory trip you had to take — which felt more like a chore without any freedom whatsoeve —, so it's a big step for you to leave. You'll be free. You won't be abused anymore.

Tears rolled down your cheeks as you took your stance again.

Withing the matter of seconds you swung with all your might, shattering the window with ease. You dropped the hammer, not caring anymore about hiding your runaway. Not like you're gonna stay behind searching for tape or glue or hell just buy a whole ass new window just to pull an epic prank on the bleached male.
Oh how'd you'd love to see his reaction to realizing that you're gone.

You stepped out of the crack, some loose glass shards cutting you but you didn't care. There was too much adrenaline, you couldn't even feel the pain.
The crack wasn't too big so you had to be careful — you couldn't be bothered to make a bigger hole, that just means spending more time in this hell on earth and your patience is at zero right now.

As you were finally full body outside you took a deep breath.

This is true freedom.

You could feel breeze caress your whole body and some blood thag was drawn from your shallow wounds roll down your legs. It wasn't that bad. Either way, you still didn't care.

Now you just have to get to the police station where officer Park and Seungbae work. It's not all that far and if none of them will be there, you're willing to wait for them.

Sangwoo is finally going to rot in jail.


Sangwoo's P.O.V

Me and Bumi finally make it home after that whole 'cake ordeal'. I bought some nice things for Y/n like shorts, skirts, sweaters, shirts that are too big for him, and so on.

I take my jacket off and go straight into the kitchen, placing the cake down and taking off the lid.

"Go ahead and cut it." I tell Bumi, and be obeys me like always. He's such a good boy. But frankly, i like Y/n's attitude more. I like breaking people to obedience, not when they are obedient right off the bat.

"Okay..." The black haired male grabs a random knife — still having his jacket on like seriously man, why would you war a jacket indoors — and goes to cut the cake.
"Strange, the cake's hard..."

I lean in my seat, inspecting it, "it's frozen... you need to thaw it out first." I look up at this dumbass. There is a big intelligence difference between my two pets, but they both ended up here so, one point for me.
"Can't you read? It says it right there." I point at the container where it was indeed written.

"I-I'm sorry..." He apologizes and before he could say anything else i cut him off.

"Nevermind that, imma get Y/n in here and we all can wait for it to do its thing together." I push myself away from the table, standing up and going to the room with basement.

Though as i open the sliding door and enter the room something crunches beneath my foot.
I look down, bend and pick it up and... It's a shard of glass?

My eyes travel to the window and my heart skips a beat.
A hole in the window, bloody shards of glass, a sledgehammer on the floor.

I immediately start feeling nervous. My hands start to shake as i made my way towards the closet. The box is still on the hatch...

I push it, opening the entrance afterwards and quickly running down, almost falling over from the sheer overwhelming emotions i feel.

As i reach the bottom, not spotting my lovely Y/n anywhere.
M-Maybe he's hiding!

I run all over the place flipping boxes, tearing off shelves, basically tearing this whole place down to find that fucker. But he's not here.

I sink to the ground, my head aggressively pounding and my whole body shivering.
I try to even out my breathing but nothing seems to be working.

Maybe I'm not too late!

I run upstairs, seeching every room in the house, Yoonbum asking me absurd questions but getting no answers.
Edventually i run into the street, looking around to see if the whore didn't totally escape yet.

Buy no one in site.

I yet again fall to the ground, holding my head as it's screaming and screeching. How careless have I been!!

Tears spill out of my eyes and sorrowful sounds escape my mouth. Bum comes outside, crouching down next to me and embracing me.

"GO THE FUCK INSIDE YA HEAR?! IF YOU SET A FOOT OUT HERE AGAIN IM CHOPPING OFF YOUR FRONTAL LOBE!" i threaten the black haired weirdo and without any questions or words all together he runs inside.

I sniffle on the ground.

How could i let this happen.

My poor Y/n.

I should've paid more attention to you. I shouldn't have underestimated you.

Suddenly my panic attack stops as if nothing happened, leaving me without any emotion whatsoever.

"Y/n,"i softly spoke, "I'll find you and take you back." I stand up, my hands clenched into fists as i return into the house.

"You're mine. You belong with me. Just you see, sweet Y/n..."

ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕤~ 【Oh Sangwoo x Male! Reader】Where stories live. Discover now