ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝟟

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Your P.O.V

The brunette's back was against the metal pipe, hands chained to it behind her back. This probably the scariest moment if her life.
I had to help Sangwoo in the end. Well, after she get hit with that wrench, the only thing he did was drag her over to the pillar and held her down while i did all the work. He seemed satisfied. Watching my every move.

I then wanted to drag myself back into my favorite spot but Sangwoo grabbed my hair, "stay here Y/n." He just said, seconds after addressing the other male who isn't in the room yet, "Bum, come down here."

There was soft shuffling as Oh got up, helping the crippled black haired weirdo get down the stairs.

He told Bum to be careful while going down. Why does he care all of the sudden? Why is he so gentle??

Once they got back down the girl — name Min Jieun as i learned — started begging for her life, making promise upon promise just so she can get out alive.
"I'll do anything!" Was finally something that Sangwoo heard.

"Anything?" He asked, his smugness coming back.
Within seconds he was peeling Yoonbum's clothes off. It freaked him out and honestly me too. Luckily, Oh decided to spare me and let me keep whatever i had on.

Almost as if he forgot my existence, he sat Bum down onto a chair in front of Min and proposed a deal: "I'll let you go home if you'll have sex with Bumi." He said carelessly. Not asking for anyone's consent. Nothing.

"I'll do it!!" Min immediately jumped. The lack of hesitance honestly had me taken aback. "I'll do it!!"

Sangwoo kept on mocking the poor girl while she kept yelling that she can do it. It looked like she was seconds away from crying, and Bum did too — he always looks like that though.

Min kept on yelling and yelling that she'll do it until Sangwoo changed tactics. He brushed his fingers along Bum's shoulder as he walked here and there as if he's having a conversation over the phone.

"You," he began, "Have you ever felt thankful? Of course you haven't. Everyone thinks you're pretty right?" It sounded more like a statement than a question. "You're pretty, but then again, if everyone saw you cut up into tiny pieces could you then tell me you are beautiful?"

Sangwoo grabbed a knife that was randomly laying around — which is not weird in this house — as he ended that sentence.

It made me think.
I've never realized this but... Appearance is worthless in the end. Maybe i've been focusing too much on how i look my entire life and now it honestly feels like time wasted...
I could've spent all that time building stronger bonds with people. Who knows, maybe i could've befriend Sangwoo and never end up in this situation.

I've ignored most of Sangwoo's monologue, only when Min started yelling i finally snapped back to reality.
"You perverted psycho!! Do you think I'll be okay with this?!" Her demeanor changed drastically. "I'll kill you!!"

That seemed like an empty promise.
Not like she could be able to do it telling from her personality. Well, the solid few minutes you've seen of it at least.

"If you want to live, you have to plead to Bumi." Sangwoo's voice sounded so serious.

There was a second of silence before Sangwoo started spitting nonsense towards Bum.
Jieun was probably looking for any escape route in he mind. She stared at the two before slowly turning her head to look at me.
Pleading with her eyes as if i can help her out... And i wish i could.

I sweat dropped, looking away from her with great disappointment in myself. She then as if forgot my existence again, taking the turn to share her monologue.

I'm so useless...
I just want to be back home with Seungbae and officer Park. I'd pay with blood, and or even mental stability for that.

Sangwoo suddenly tipped over the chair and basically threw Yoonbum onto the poor girl.  Just then you and her noticed the sharp knife in his hand.
For obvious reasons, she screamed and kicked him away. "Stay away creep!! You dirty perverted parasite!" She kept on screaming, "Stay away! You're disgusting!!"

Bum seemed to be very much taken aback by that. His eye were wide, as if he's the one that's beyond scared in this situation.

"YOU'RE DISGUSTING, DIE! I SAID DIE!!" at this point it was very much uncalled for.
That put the male into a trance.

That made me crawl further away from her, gradually losing empathy for her.

Sangwoo's expression changed. "That's not an option, rat." He then moved, coming closer to me. The fear that he might throw me to that selfish bitch made me quicky scurry away from him until i hit a stray box behind me.

Edventually he caught up to me and picked me up as if I'm some sort of domesticated animal. He held me so my shoulder was pressed against his chest, his face at my cheek and his hands holding my leg and ass.

Sangwoo carried me closer to the two other pricks, "either fuck Bumi or die, Y/n doesn't seem to be any of those choices, does he?"

"FUC-" as she was about to cuss him out, Yoonbum snapped back to reality, mind clearly misplaced.

"Then why did you come to me?" He began crawling towards her, knife still in hand, "if you weren't going to stay with me, why did you talk to me? Did you just need a disposable friend?" His voice wavered.

My eyes widened as i realized what he was about to do, and Jieun seemed to shortly realize too.
I tried to get out of Oh's grip but he just held me tighter.

"Let me go you fucker!" I yelled at him, tugging and flinching as much as i could.

One oh his hands gripped my waist and his face moved closer to mine. He made a shushing noise, "don't interrupt the show. It's not nice to talk during a movie." A chuckle left his lips.

"Someone you could just throw away once you didn't need them anymore? Is that the kind of person you were??" Bum continued his crazy talk. I don't know whether they know each other or if they knew in the past, but it doesn't really seem like it.

"What the hell are you tal-" before Min could finish her sentence Bum brought the knife into her chest with a disgusting noise.
As quicky as he shoved it in he tugged it out.
Then again,
And again,
And again,

He yelled nonsense while her blood spilled everywhere, and Sangwoo couldn't be more proud.
All i could dk was watch in horror and try my best to get out of Oh's grip, but without any sort of success.

When Bum napped out of that quick episode he seemed catatonic for a few seconds before bowing down and mumbling something incoherent.

Sangwoo chuckled, letting out a sigh afterwards. "Let's let him cool off." He said, just simply carrying you out of the basement and gently into his room upstairs again. He hummed this one song that he apparently loves since i've heard it at least a million times since i came here.

He laid me down oh so gently onto his bed.
"He'll need some time to calm down, and i don't want him to hurt you while he's in that high." He kissed my cheek.

The disgust i felt. The awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. The queasiness i felt.
It felt like if i spoke even a word — heck even if i just opened my mouth — i would throw up. The image of the poor girl's blood everywhere, her guts yearning to spill out was burned into my memory.

"The only person who still hasn't spilled blood is you Y/n, you know what that means."

ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕤~ 【Oh Sangwoo x Male! Reader】Where stories live. Discover now