"Mon took another look at the invitation and Emily's words was replaying in her mind.

"too bad this wasn't on the Uk where everybody treats you like a VIP when i'm next to you"

She smirked...


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                                                           ********SAMANAM ANATRAKUL******                                                     

Sam was feeling irritated by everyone and everything,first it was her lawyers pestering her about the deadline that was tomorrow, then it was Adena who was on the phone trying to be her personal stylist.

"You know what Adena,If you wanna wear couture be my guest, but I'm wearing something simple and comfortable.I won't be staying all night anyway, i've got things to take care of and according to the weather report we're going to have a heavy rainfall anyway."

What does that have to do with anything? and the sky is clear fyi.Go take your mood out on your lawyer,i'm already stressed about my outfit,i don't need your negativity right now Sam.I think i've gained an inch,dammit!.You're going to the bin! she cursed at the scale.

"Sam was scrolling at Singha's pictures for emotional support."

 I'm going to climb on the treadmill and wear something decent at least,more importantly, do not be late.

"Whatever,Sam said when Adena ended the call"

Sam fell back on her bed and imagined Mon's eyes staring back at her like it did in the past and not too long ago,filled passion,desire and most of all,love...

Not anymore though,because someone took that all away from her and crowned another person with Mon's heart.

Tears was rolling down her cheeks as she walked to the bathroom to rinse her face.

"Get your shit together, she said as she looked at herself in the mirror,your Samanan Anantrakul after all."

                                                                 ****O FORTUNA!***

Mon was in her room doing last minute touch ups when she heard her mother saying that her transport arrived.

She came down the stairs but saw that her parents including Nop and Fah, that Mon eventually got to meet and liked very much,gushing over something.

Wow Mon you look stunning and you're one hell of a lucky girl she heard Fah say when she walked towards them,you must be a big deal at that place.

"Thanks Fah,but what are you talking about ...

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