•Chapter Nine•

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"Wally! You're early. I didn't know you were here already, sorry if I kept you waiting. I had to clean myself, working with flowers isn't a clean job." She explained to him and chuckled at the memory of the events from earlier.

"No worries, I just got here and Julie told me you were already home so I came by." (Y/N) closed the door to her house and made her way towards Wally who waited for her patiently. "I see then, well let's get going! I can't wait for my lesson."

Wally proceeded to lead the girl towards his house, which she followed without question. Now that she thought about it, she got a closer look at everyone's houses except for his.

Much to her surprise, his house was the one that stuck out like a sore thumb. The one that first got her attention. The one that gave her that unsettling feeling. "Here we are. Are you ready?" Wally asked, turning to look at her.

"You live here?" She asked, trying to see inside his house through the windows, but she couldn't. His windows were weird as well, the shape, the shade, everything. "Yeah! You like it?" He asked gleefully, his eyebrows shooting upwards.

"Yeah, it's very... What the?!" The fairy's wings shot up in alert as she hid behind Wally. She gripped the back of his blue sweater, her body trembling in fright at what she saw.

She wasn't crazy, the first time she saw it she was right. The house did blink at her.

And it just did it again.

"Wally! I think your house is alive!" Wally chuckled, as he brought a hand to his mouth to control the noises he was making. He found her reaction adorable and the way she was clinging to him made him feel cozy inside.

"I see you haven't met Home yet." He said, turning around to look at her. The fairy in return gave him a confused look at what he had said. Wally grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her next to him, exposing her form to the house that loomed over them. "You don't have to be scared. Home is really nice."

"Home? It's alive?" She asked concerned, she never heard of such a thing. "He is. Home is the ninth neighbor here. Home this is (Y/N), (Y/N) meet Home." The fairy girl waved unsure to the house and to her shock, the house replied. It opened the front door and shook it back and forth, she assumed it was him waving back.

"How is this possible...?" (Y/N) questioned in awe. "Home is very special. He is the reason this neighborhood exists." The way Wally talked about Home made (Y/N) turn to look at him in a troubled way. His eyes softened and his smile became more relaxed.

She wondered what their relationship was. But just by looking at Wally's eyes, she could tell Home was very special to him.

(Y/N) felt a piercing stare and when she looked up, she saw how Home had his eyes on her. 'So those aren't windows.' She thought as she stared straight back at him. "Sorry for my rudeness then, I didn't know." The female spoke, now talking directly to Home.

A creaking sound is what she got in reply as the house blinked at her twice. Apparently is was trying to talk to her. "He said that it was fine and that it is very nice to meet you." Wally translated when he saw the look of confusion on her face.

'Wally understands him? How?'

"Well now that you both know each other, should we continue?" Wally asked, reaching his hand out for her to take it. The fairy grabbed it, but her eyes never left Home's. It was a weird, a feeling was just growing inside her and she didn't know what it was.

"Alright, lead the way." Wally gave Home a look, to which in response to he opened the door for the two little individuals in front of him.

"Thank you."

They both walked inside and immediately after they did, the door slammed shut behind them. (Y/N) froze, she couldn't see anything. There was no light coming in so everything was dark. "Wally?" She whispered in fright. Although she couldn't see him, she still felt the warmth of his hand on hers.

"I'm here." He replied. (Y/N) shivered when she heard his voice so close. The blue haired man was right in front of her and since she could hear his breathing clearly, there was no doubt that he was only mere inches in front of her.

"Are you okay? You're stiff?"

"It's very dark.."

"I can help with that."

Suddenly she was blinded by the sudden light entering her eyes. (Y/N) released her hold on Wally's hand to cover her eyes and blinked three times before her eyes finally adjusted.

What she saw next made her gasp.

"You like it? I made it myself."


Not As It Seems (Wally Darling X Reader) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu