A Celebration

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Which starts like this, it was 3 years ago past, now I don't feel any older but that voice from a long time ago still screams more then ever in a whisper "help me"

He walked down the street to gather his thoughts Sipping on <insert fancy drink name>" thinking wow, I made it, I think I'll buy a an Armani today", another thought occurs, "how many more do you need?"
He ponders walking into the shop wearing the finest Armani already on the market, dressed in simple custom gold sunglasses, with the tint just enough to cover your line of sight but enough you can see the eyes You know the .... type a Rolex watch this would date closer to when the company first opened back in .... "what a time to be alive " he thinks as he waits patiently for the owner to open the doors for a private viewing of the other suits from the latest designers such as Gucci, Calvin, Laurant,
He has a closet full of all of them with matching silk custom designed ties, everything about his wardrobe screams class, if it's not custom it's antique and one of a kind. He likes to entertain masquerade parties from time to time. As he waits he enjoys his drink, and takes in where he is. Malibu, he's arrived, his Aston Martin A3 from 1921 speaks for itself.

Somehow after taking in all that for only a second he forgets that voice, "help me" he doesn't know how. He has it all but doesn't know how to help that boy. The manager arrives just in the nick of time before another wave of memory overwhelmed him.

We haven't even gotten to "that part" we don't even know his name,we know he's rich, he has class and style. He has it all but missing something that can't be replaced we've gathered that. Does he have a wife, kids, a job, where did he get all of this money, what does he look like. He hasn't seen a mirror yet to grind out. Is he strong or is he some nerd, what is his sex like, vanilla or an exotic itialin ice cream that you don't find anywhere else. Another place he frequents that we didn't know till know in a little diner off the coast of Italy

Oh, I'm Samantha his wife, I'm your narrator, I wanted to find a way to write myself in as seemless as possible but right now we are talking about Mr.Smith I know right? But that is his name, simple, calm,loving,caring Yet that child still talks to him daily. He tells me all kinds of stories of adventures of when he was just a regular man. He didn't grow up with much, he made his fortune gambling his savingings and time on a project to this day he still hasn't told me. He doesn't talk about it. He says it's the only way he can remain humble. If people knew they would shame him, denounce him,maybe even assassinate him for his wealth and deeds to multiple industries so he remains low profile.
He must to maintain his true identity
He confides in me to tell his story of how he lives now. Wait now where did I leave off? Daaaaave, how have you been your looking swag as ever the shop keep and him go back to when he had nothing promised if he ever made it he would bring him up with him so it was more fun to go "therapy shopping" it was more like just talking to an old friend. I've been good Thank-you, so how's the wife how are babies? They are good, you know Samantha is finishing up her second masters degree Same old same old he chuckles, The Babies? Come on Frank you know she is almost 30 years old now and Tim is going on 40 with kids of his own you've gotta stop calling babaies he says with a smile. I can't help it, I still remember when they were performing pupet shows and teaching them how to ride bikes, and^ Stop they both turn their heads. A car drives by with an unfamiliar aura not familiar with this neck of the woods clearly based on well, everything. When you walk around long enough here you start to smell the change instant. Only they had the same both turned their head at the exact same time, a thing they were inclined to do as they were closer then brothers and sensed everything together. Had been like that since they were kids he told me^ Frank, did you see that??? Ya Tom I saw that what do you think it means? Frank, I think you know. ^ the room became filled with a nauseous melancholy aray of feelings. Tom quietly leaves exiting with haste he nver did tell me where or who he spoke to he came home late with a smell he hadnt smelt like in ages^

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