—She's someone I met.

—No, fuck off —Tae huffs—. You can't be this big of an asshole to have her saved as "Cocktease" because you don't remember her name. Poor girl.

I sigh in relief when he mentions that, and Jimin just seconds his words, both of them scolding me for my attitude towards all the random girls I meet and hook up with. But, of course, all their ranting is for nothing because I disconnect long before they're able to start.

On that message she seemed pissed off. And while I can't blame her, I think it's a good idea she takes a look around her into the real world -by what Tam told us, Y/n doesn't really seem the type that has lived her life to the fullest. Proved during Melanie's birthday and our drinking games, and confirmed when she threw her hands at her head when I suggested having sex when we met. Well, that's one of the reasons why I barely met with her with the excuse of making her watch over people every night. The other being I probably won't be able to hold back if we get to the other part of our deal.

It took me my biggest effort and self control to stop the kiss before it got too much the other night, I'm sure I'll fuck it up somehow if we decide to go further.

My phone shakes in my hand again. And while I first think it could be Y/n again, I see it's Mark -and I don't even bother to open the chat when I read his text.

Inlaw: Don't bother to come back. Your client canceled, because he regretted the idea last minute. Take some rest.

If I actually thought today would be a bad day...

I take a sip of my drink, before I stand up again and start walking to the door.

—Are you leaving? —Tae asks from afar.

—After the show you two did to get me to come? —I hear Jimin complaining.

—I'll invite you to dinner next time we meet. I promise.

Those are the last words I dedicate to them, before I leave the pub and head to my motorbike -which is, as usual, parked at one side of the main door. And just like I did at Tae's pub, I do the same in the bar she works at, leaving the motorbike at one side of the entrance before I place the stand and hop off.

Before I enter, I see her. She's looking good despite wearing the most normal and basic clothes -she's just wearing a black t-shirt and a small apron surrounding her hips. But soon I'm aware that her serious expression isn't only due to tiredness, when I look a bit better and find a man looking at her up and down while she's just working.

—Don't play hard to get —I overhear after I enter the establishment and get closer to them—. You've been looking at me all night.

I see her tilting her head while her back is still facing him, and she taps on the long lower fridge with her fingers, as if she were trying to control herself.

—May I have a beer? —I interrupt them.

After seeing the relief tinting her eyes, I look at the old man from head to toe. I could knock him out with no effort if I wanted to, and it seems like he also knows I could, because he turns around and leaves us alone before I can even add myself into the conversation.

—You didn't have to do it —she serves me the cold beer.

—Do what? —I frown— I only asked for a beer.

—Your puffed chest says otherwise —she points to that part.

When she does that, I'm fully conscious my chest is a bit higher than usual and my back is tense. Tilting my head while smiling, after I know I used that body posture to intimidate him, I relax and go back to my natural state.

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