I somehow break my petrified fear and nervously giggle at how corny that one-liner was. A substantially smaller turtle jumps from behind him and squeals

"OMIGOSH!!! WWEEEEEE!!💕 Your giggle is soooo cute.✨ Hurry Raph say something else funny. I wanna hear it again"

   "GUH!?! Mikeyyy?....I'm trying to sound threatening. It's not meant to be funny. Besides, look at that!! These Guys are speechless!! look at the intimidation and fear I invoked en' these foos . Heh-heh, too scared to even speak."

    He looks almost sure of himself. Like he convinced himself that it was actually scary. One of the gangsters has a dumbfounded look on his face. The other two started to get agitated and took a step toward the turtles.

   "Excuse me? We're kinda busy here trying to rip this dame limb from limb, do you mind??"

    one of the thugs chimes in, holding the others back.

    "Now, now, this small broad won't be nearly enough to satisfy our appetite, right fellas? Why not have them as a feast after snacking on this chica eh?" 

   "Oh really?? Hahaha!!! Mikey?" he turned to the small turtle "Let's exterminate these pests?"

    His face lit up."Oooooh-who-hwooo~ let's squish these bugs!! Y'all gonna git it now baby~!!"

   he moved so quickly!! In seconds the bug men were wrapped in his chain and yanked away. The red one's fists started glowing and he charged the rest. The gang leader clutched my neck harder. And snarled at me. My screams couldn't escape my throat, let alone my breath.

"Who are these estúpidas pinche tortugas?? HUH? This was a trap, wasn't it?!?  you conniving BITCH!!"

   his mouth opened wider than before and I saw the back of his throat. But suddenly he froze and grew stiff. He started shaking in front of me. He slowly went limp. As he fell, it revealed another turtle wearing a purple bandana. he looked, unconcerned. Like causing this man to seize in front of him had no impact on him. He gave a slight chuckle.

"Oops- probably overdid it.... oh well he probably had a long and fulfilling life"

   he shrugged and began to walk away. He was halted in place by a blue turtle with red slits on his eyes resting his arm on the other's shoulder. Giving him a complacent smile.

   "NICE ONE donniee~! Oop- ones getting away!"

    The tolerant one aimed his wrist at the fleeing henchman. His precision was incredible almost second nature. Before his body vanished around the corner, a small device was pinned to his neck. He gave a breathy laugh.

   "Damn, I love these trackers. Makes the searching far less tedious and unnecessary"

   They both turn to me after they hear my groaning.

   "Girl, yikes! you don't look so hot"

    I was coughing still trying to gasp for air. The lack of oxygen started to take full effect on me. I tilted forward collapsing into the purple one.

    "Woah, damn. I Uhhhh- got you?"

   he turned to the other turtle in distress and then at me with affliction. The blue one gave a nudge and a wink at the purple one and smiled. He rolled his eyes and helped me keep my balance.

   The other turtles knocked out and subdued the other henchmen. The red one looked around confused. 

  "Wait Mikey wasn't there a third one??

  "Uhhhhh....iuhknow" he shrugged. The blue one interrupted

  "It's cooool~. Don over here, placed one of those little tracking things on , whatever that dude was. I wanna say a shriiimmp man??"

   he double took at me and gasped. "Idk but uohhh boooi she's looking rough"

    The purple one looked at my skin and felt my forehead. "Ohhh geez WOW you are extremely pale and your skin is clammy this isn't good oh no.....uhhh- okay uhh"

   The red one took the lead. "Leo! Mikey! help me take these two bug thingys back to the Sewer. Donnie that escape pod you made is probably the fastest thing here right now. Climb in there with her and get your ass to the lab as fast as you can. you're the only one who can help her right now"

Donnie looked anxious at the boys,"I- I- don't know maybe one of you-"

   "DONNIE HURRY!!" They all screamed in unison.

    "UGHHH FINE!!"

he looked at me and sighed. He tapped his wrist tablet and activated the escape pod. "Listen It's gonna be cramped. bare with me, kay'?"

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