Chapter 1 - Cruelty

Start from the beginning

Sniff a plate? Why in the name of Morax would someone ask another to sniff a plate?  To her suprise, Tanjiro actually bend down to sniff the plate

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Sniff a plate? Why in the name of Morax would someone ask another to sniff a plate?  To her suprise, Tanjiro actually bend down to sniff the plate.

"Definetly smells like a cat."

Y/N looked over the young boys shoulder, making the kneeling man infront of them flinch. 

"Interesting. You know it was a cat just by smelling it?"

Tanjiro nodded swiftly.

"Yes. I have a good nose, if i might say so myself!"

Just then, another man spoke up, asking Tanjiro to help him carry some luggage he had on him. After a few more tasks, the young boy started heading back to the mountain, the adeptus walking by his side. 

"Say Miss. I never got your name. You're not from around here are you?"

Y/N looked at the boy, but quickly averting her gaze again.

"I.. No. I am not from here. And you may call me Y/N. Call out my Name whenever you need me."

Tanjiro smiled. The woman was odd, yes. But she seemed friendly. It had gotten pretty late, but he was grateful he could sell all the coal. Y/N looked at the falling snow around them. Maybe, once it was thick enough, they could-

"Tanjiro! Wait! Are you and your companion really going up the mountain at this time? That's way to dangerous!"

Y/N looked at the man who talked to Tanjiro. He was leaning out of the window of a small hut just below the path they where walking on.

"Don't worry! I have a good nose."

Tanjiro reassured the man. Y/N wasn't so sure. Where there monsters in this world too? 

"No way. You and your companion are sleeping here tonight."

Y/N frowned. Why would she sleep at a random guys home?

"No talking back. There are demons out here."

Y/N's eyes went wide as she heard the words the man spoke. Demons? Here? She had to protect Tanjiro. Cursing under her breath, she followed Tanjiro into the mans hut where he made food for them. Y/N eyed the dishes, lips pressed into a straight line. She wasn't too fond of mortal food. Tanjiro, meanwhile, quickly ate and thanked the man for the food.

"Thanks for the food! May i.. may i ask a question Saburo? What kinds of demons exist here?"

Y/N curiously looked up from her rice, listening to the two speak.

"Since time immemorial, man-eating demons have been roaming our country. And that's why you don't go out after the sun set. You guys can continue tomorow morning."

After the sun set? Did that mean the demons where only active at night? The Yaksha looked at her spear, which was standing against the wall. If she had to slaughter those demons to protect Tanjiro, she would do it in a heartbeat. 

"And those demons.. cannot enter peoples houses?"

The older man, Saburo, frowned.

"Yes, they can."

"Does that mean that we will all be eaten at some point?"

"To prevent this, the demon Slayers have existed for just as long. To kill them.. Now it's time to sleep. Rest well, you two."

After a while of chatting, Y/N sat down next to the futon Tanjiro was laying in.

"For the fourth time kid, it is alright. I don't sleep much anyways. You can sleep there Kamado."

Y/N couldn't help herself and let a smile cross her lips. Tanjiro was kind. perhaps too kind for his own good. But he was pure. And even tho Y/N only knew him for a few hours, something inside her told her to protect this pureness. And she would.

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