💧1 - Snow

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The first time I saw snow, I was thirteen years old. I was only a child, but I remember the experience very vividly: I was in chains, on a Fire Nation ship, listening to the very angsty Fire Prince argue with his laid-back uncle about where to find the Avatar. The whole experience had been unpleasant to say the least, but it changed my life more than I ever could've guessed it would. In the span of a year, me and a couple of other kids had saved the world and stopped the Hundred Year War.

I still can't believe it has been eight years since then. It feels like a lifetime ago at this point. Traveling the world is a really effective way to pass the time without realizing it. Before I knew it, I wasn't a kid anymore, but a twenty-one-year-old woman. But it doesn't matter how much time has passed or how much I have grown, as some things never change. Particularly, my dislike of the cold weather. In any other situation, I would probably just avoid coming here altogether. But under these circumstances... There really isn't any other way around it.

I take a deep breath, as I hold on to the reins of my fellow flying bison, Lotus. Her and I bonded ever since I found her abandoned and by herself as a calf at the Western Air Temple about six years ago, and we have become inseparable. Even though she's still considerably young, flying bison have a very quick growth rate, so she's probably almost as big as Appa now. I was very surprised to learn that some flying bison herds had survived the attack to the temples, but I was even more surprised that Lotus and I were lucky enough to cross paths like we did.

She grunts as soon as we cross the icy shore of the South Pole. I pat her head gently in solidarity. "I know it's cold, Lotus. But once we get there, I'm sure we'll find you a nice, cozy fire to nap next to."

I wish I could say I know where I am. I've never been the best at orientation—but the snowy, white, seemingly endless landscape doesn't really help. One of the many reasons I've visited this place only a handful of times in the past eight years.

After a while of what feels like aimlessly floating around, Lotus and I descend so that she can rest up after the long journey. We're still no closer to finding the village, but there's no point in us flying around for no reason.

Lotus grunts once again, letting me know she's annoyed at me. She's not very good at managing her hangry emotions. "I know, I know. Just... Give me a moment to do some recon here. I'll figure it out."

I gaze into the white horizon before me, trying to make out a shape, a light, any sort of indication that I'm going in the right direction. It doesn't seem to be working, however, because I cannot find a single thing that resembles anything other than snow, snow, and even more snow. I sigh heavily, unsure of what to do next.

"Are you lost?" I hear someone ask behind me, making me tense. I didn't see anyone approaching us before, which makes whoever this is very suspicious.


"You seem lost."

"Well, I'm not lost. How could I possibly seem lost when I am not?" I retort, without turning around to face this mysterious person. I do, however, prepare myself to airblast them if need be.

"I can help you," he says, and I can hear his footsteps on the snow getting closer to me, which immediately makes me react defensively.

I turn around quickly only to airblast this person several feet away from me, and getting into a fighting position. I narrow my eyes at him, trying to figure out who this guy is and what he wants. He groans with pain, but surprisingly, laughs. Now I am really confused.

"I suggest you stay down unless you want me to show you what I can really do," I warn him sternly.

He raises his hands submissively and continues laughing. "Hey, no need for that."

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