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Hey, I just wanted to kinda explain want I'm actually doing with this book. I know I explained a bit in the info but I want to go into detail about I'm going to be writing.

Titles will be the fandom or series that the characters is from then the character name then the one shot name and these stories might be a little sensitive for certain people so I will have warnings at the top under the title for people. I want this to be a safe and accepting place for everyone.

Safe places are different for everyone and I will try to branch out of just my safe place to write about different things. You can make suggestions for safe places or settings for stories here if you want. It can give some inspiration for where to go next.

Safe Characters are also different for every person. I will be including some characters for YouTuber fandoms, (Jse egos, Mark egos, dark sides, Sander sides, etc) and can include some characters that aren't any character but just like a friend or a sibling. You also can recommend characters for me use here or just story ideas in general.

When it comes to writing stories, a lot of them are going be one shots. Maybe some multi part stories but I don't plan on doing a lot of those. I will be doing a lot of fandom based stuff but I may do some stories that don't have a character and is just a place to calm down and relax. Or a story with a non-fandom characters as mentioned above. I am here to get better at writing by writing, and express my love for different fandoms by writing wholesome, calm stories. I will be writing when inspiration hits or if an idea sticks with me. I'm not going to rush myself when it comes to writing or put any stress on myself to meet a deadline.

For the stories there will be a part where if you want to end there and stay in that calm place you can. Or if you have something to do I'll have a little part to get a little bit of motivation to do the next task you need to do but if that isn't need you can skip it and go and do whatever else you had planned to do.

Warnings for swearing, senitive topics or triggering things will be put at the top. If I happen to write about them, you have the option to skip. I want to have calm wholesome stories so this might not come up often but if it does I do want to warn people about it.

With that being said, Have fun, be respectful and enjoy.

Safe Place/Character StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now